More Thought in Aftermath of Chicago Marathon...thinking more - TopicsExpress


More Thought in Aftermath of Chicago Marathon...thinking more about heat-warmth in aftermath of Chicago Marathon as therapy in recovery. Why? Well...not sure how much I posted on detail regarding just how chilled I felt ca 5-min after finishing that marathon and continuing on my walk back to CARA compound at Hilton on Michigan Ave...and even down there in lower level in Salon A when I think...opposed to the warmth I felt walking in at 5:30 am or felt like the AC was on....and I think it was! I was shivering and now all my fingers turned to stone...numb... loss of all dexterity...barely able to hold the cup of Lagunitas IPA I was issued. WTF...body acts...brain says...need heat...but the literature and reference manuals says in aftermath of marathon or other extreme race efforts...muscles need cold to reduce inflammation and such. It was Ultra Andy as I like to call him (hope I got Andy first name right)....had discussion once after long run and again in the CARA compound at Chicago Hilton regarding heat. He has noted that unlike the cold or ice-bath therapy...he responds well to warm therapy. I have remain intrigued about that concept since those conversations, but also have had moments in past where I felt warm treatment was the best approach...because number felt good and muscles responded and felt good. So..if you read my prior post you know I have some fairly nasty hurts in aftermath of Chicago Marathon...notably inside, high-up R-groin and lateral-side R-knee. I wouldnt give much attention to any of this...but this evening...out there making a fire in the stone pit...then coming back later after fire died down and lots of roasting coals and tossed in a few more pieces of wood....and stood there 2-3 feet by side of pit as the flames resurged...that radiant heat could be felt against legs...getting ever warmer and at some points feeling like jeans would catch fire and have to stand a little farther back. So what you say...but you know what...that severe strain inside of R-groin and that modest pain R-side of knee and any tightness in both upper and lower leg muscles that seemed to be apparent today...disappeared in the 1-2 minutes it took for that radiant heat to be absorbed! In 3-minutes I felt normal...could walk normal...without a limp or a singe of pain! I felt like I could even go out and run 3 or 4 miles. Yikes...there is something going on here...that just doesnt fit the ordained methods and prescriptions of doing things in the aftermath of post-race trauma. I have to concur with Andy that it is not always inflammation that we need to address post long-distance run events...but on other hand...getting muscles to relax and I guess heat would promote greater circulation of blood to remove breakdown products and such? I dont know this answer and need to look more into it...but heck...if I can walk normally after standing by a fire for a mere 3-min and roasting my quads, and that effect continues 1/2 hour later while writing this post....then I can only conclude...heat has its place in recovery and treating trauma to muscles after marathons...or probably and race where the overall investment in intensity on muscles comes into play. Of course I have no medical background and only took a 2-day weekend course to get certified as RRCA coach. But then I spent a career as a biologist and natural areas land manager...with the background in science and method...and when it comes to the behavioral sciences...observational skill a key component in successfully recording data. So I have an eye to key in on observations that may be important factor in how you define your variables or record your responses...and it was Ed Miller from Governors State that was key in that when I studied under him in courses of Animal Behavior and Methods and such. After tonights fire...and may go back for another treatment before it burns down entirely...if it feels good...if it works....then do and method...not always the answer...but good to understand its workings! Think about it...heat to treat post-race trauma. Why do they give you those plasitc mylar blankets if heat not good? Maybe need to rethink how to treat post-run trauma. After tonight...I know I will...probably going out for 2nd phase of heat therapy because if it not only leads to greater motility in leg damn well feels good. Hmmmm....that causes a conundrum with me in the sense of those physical therapists or masseuse experts that in the advent of going long and hard...seem to hurt pretty painfully when they stretch or dig in and do that so-called trigger-point, myo-fascial release. What I observed tonight is that simply intense heat...may have same or better effect. So I have to conclude that if the therapy to treat runners post-race is may not be the best approach. Maybe just jump into a hot water tub or whirlpool...probably even better and more immediate effects. Thats all for now...back to the fire!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:04:23 +0000

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