More Thoughts on the Challenge of Waking Up and Making a - TopicsExpress


More Thoughts on the Challenge of Waking Up and Making a Difference A lot of things spiritual people believe are true from a certain point of view. They are common sense from that point of view. That view, however, is not the same one with which we navigate the engineered survival matrix commonly known as the real world. That is why it is often experienced as paradoxical. From a deeper perspective things are always working toward the good, and things are perfect as they are in the moment. Translating into mundane language, this means that the present moment is an opportunity for improvement, and in its entirety reflects the benign nature of existence. It is just that we are only open to a tiny and doctored slice of the moment, when we are even aware and not projected into a future or locked in a past. It is in our nature, for example, to be environment creators and cultivators. That nature, however, is atrophied, repressed and warped by trauma and programming. The less we realize our power to influence if not actually create our environment the more we seek compromise and adherence to rules and laws of spirit, nature or society (the matrix). We love these rules and laws because they order the world for us and claim to guarantee cause and effect, be it for better or worse. Such attachment to objective givens, however, puts us in a spiritual welfare state where we cannot really be all that we can and want to be. These days, in fact, it is more and more obvious that attachment to prepackaged realism is the road to the abyss. It makes sense to me that the solution at this time is to re-purpose existing social structures to from pragmatic bridges to the future. It also makes sense that taking existing limits and conditions into account, as opposed to trying to force a usually contrived ideal onto those conditions, is realistic. Understanding this actually is very hopeful because it takes solutions out of the realm of fantasy and establishes continuity between what we desire and everything we already know and can trust. In that way we disprove those who have nothing else to propose but bending over and kissing our asses goodbye. At the same time, however, we cannot really afford to be less clever and creative than those who make a perverse art-form out of deceiving us. We cannot afford to confuse being loving for being naive even though that association is a pretty tempting opiate. Similarly we cannot afford rejecting our critical faculties for the sake of not judging. We also cannot afford to ignore the historic fact that the Cavalry many have admired as always coming to the rescue in the movies, in reality took their marching orders from corporate interests pulling societies strings. They were instruments of genocide and protecting the interests of land barons and bankers. Considering all of this, we simply cannot afford to fall into despair as if we were children discovering our parents have betrayed us. We are not children and our dependencies and weaknesses are conditioned. It is not weakness, however, to recognize that although we may be awake relative to others and in some things, we are asleep in other things. That means the feature of being asleep is that you already think you are awake. Certainly, all those intelligent people who believe in the Matrix think they are as awake as can be. It pays to remember that feeling of taking wakefulness and the obvious for granted. In this manner we can dare not be dependent on this notion of being awake to guarantee our sense of certainty and cognitive/emotional harmony. Motive, means and opportunity are worth our consideration. Motive means our passion is stronger than uncertainty, and the dissonance we feel when those parts that are still asleep face wake-up calls. Opportunity tends to be concealed in the most discouraging aspects of the Matrix. We are unlikely to grasp it when our discernment is controlled by weakness of motive and addiction to comfort zones. Means are probably the most difficult to fathom under current conditions. But when an environment is harsh, some life dies out and some life transforms. As human beings we do not want our transformation to be just adapt and survive. Nor do we want to thrive in hell. As human beings we are challenged to harness what does not seem compatible and transform ourselves enough to be able to transform what is on our plates and beyond. It is, in fact, the often unpalatable food on our plates which proves to be the most powerful catalyst for the changes we need most within to eventually affect what is without. We learn as we go along, never forgetting our aspirations and motives as reflections of our being and always using the past (collective and individual) as a reference of experience. It is neither simple nor easy. Even the Golden Rule of loving others as yourself falls flat when we actually (even if subconsciously) hate ourselves and are asleep to the fact. Forcing love as a rule or law even for the sake of ending suffering is only a more elegantly dressed mask of tyranny in my opinion. Compromise may be realistic, but if we are clueless about where and how to do so, hell is the road paved by apparent good intentions. Yet the difficulty is really a sign that this time its going to be done right. And Nature really doesnt force anything upon us except the realization that we need to be Real.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:43:47 +0000

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