More Vomit out of Ed Tamplins ignorant ranting Anti-Semetic Mouth - TopicsExpress


More Vomit out of Ed Tamplins ignorant ranting Anti-Semetic Mouth So Called Astrologer He clearly knows nothing about History and Israel Go Back to your History Books.... ISRAEL PALESTINE Modern Israel was born with a proclamation of nationhood from David Ben-Gurion on May 14 1948 from 4 pm and concluding at 4.32 pm in Tel Aviv. The horoscope of modern Palestinian Independence was timed for 01.38 a.m. November 15 1988 (CET) in Algiers. Israel and Palestine’s fixed zodiacal Suns are exactly opposed, which mirrors the appropriate ‘as above so below’ happenings on planet earth. The two fixed signs portray Israel with a possessive Taurean rigidity regarding land and property, and Palestine a resurrecting Scorpion, engaged in a life and death battle for their rapidly diminishing native soil. The New Moon cycle and its recurrent Taurus/Scorpio solar eclipses provide an accurate celestial clock for terrestrial developments between the bitter foes. These eclipses occur in opposite degrees in successive years, but spaced over a recurring 19-year interval. PICKING THE PIVOTAL YEARS The November Solar Eclipse of 1947 synched with the original United Nations partition plan of a divided Israel/Palestine. The world body then stipulated, “The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations”. Instead Israel prematurely declared statehood on May 14 1948, in line with the Taurean Solar Eclipse that year. The following 19-year period coincided with increasing hostilities and border raids from the November Scorpio Solar Eclipse of 1966. It culminated following the May solar eclipse, with Israel’s stunning triumph in the ‘Six-Day-War’, which increased their land holdings by one third, between June 5-10 1967. The next Metonic cycle, of 1993/94, witnessed the memorable handshake on the White House lawns between Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yassar Arafat that signaled the Olso Accord Peace Plan. During the following May, Palestinian autonomy was agreed upon, with the Gaza-Jericho Agreement a few days before the solar eclipse. But the Accord was never implemented. The current Metonic cycle began with the November 14 2012 solar eclipse. It almost immediately set the Gaza ablaze as Israel launched “Operation Pillar Cloud”, on the day, with the targeted assassination of Gaza Defense Chief Ahmed Jabari. Over the ensuing week of fierce bombing, five Israelis and one hundred and forty Palestinian lives were lost, and much of Gaza reduced to rubble. THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY World reaction was emphatic when the United Nations General Assembly voted 138 for to only 9 against, in upgrading Palestine to non-member observer status, at 16.59 EST, November 29 2012, in New York. The overwhelming vote left the US and Canada embarrassingly isolated in their resistance to Palestinian statehood, supported by only a few island nations such as Nauru and the Marshall Islands whose combined populations would barely fill a football stadium. But the horoscope of Palestine’s historic diplomatic victory also featured a potentially hostile Mars Pluto conjunction in a difficult yod formation, foreshadowing future difficulties. As a result of the UN vote hawkish Israel PM, Bin Netanyahu, has pressed ahead with illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and plans for further division of Palestinian territory. Netanyahu, born October 21 1949 sometime between 9.30 and 11.45 am in Jerusalem, positions his war planet Mars right on the Israel birth Mars. His last progressed New Moon was square his own progressed Mars. Netanyahu’s agenda is unashamedly tied into his fiery Mars astro-aspects. He is pushing on increasing Israeli sovereignty, regardless of international law or opinion. Last year regarding 2013 Bin Netanyahu I wrote, “The planet most active for the year ahead, in Netanyahu’s horoscope, is Mercury. This is the planet of communication, negotiation, ideas and contracts. It will be fielding the reformatory Uranus Pluto square for most of 2013. This is suggesting intense talks and outside pressure and the need to replace an old way of thinking. He will not be able to take anything for granted here.” The May solar eclipse will be the second in the current Metonic cycle. It will occur near the Israel Sun, and supply the timing of the next significant development, if history is any guide. With the tide of world opinion moving to counter Israel’s illegal settlements and international belligerence, something has to give. In order to garner support against their arch rivals Iran, Israel will come under increasing pressure, possibly even through the US, to curb the illegal settlement activity, and show greater signs of acknowledging the right to Palestinian statehood. The May period may also heighten tensions with their Arab neighbors, Iran looking a formality.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:20:56 +0000

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