More and more I see the power of Kingdom Business. Can you - TopicsExpress


More and more I see the power of Kingdom Business. Can you imagine if we could hire people and put them to work? Can you imagine if we could pay for Orphanages and the Needy at home and around the world? Can you imagine if we actually were the head and not the tail - the lender and not the borrower? I can and its all based on Jesus prayer in John 17. Jesus prayed we would be one. I get excited at what that looks like in regards to Kingdom business. What if a local church actually opened and adopted a business as their own? In other words, all members promoted it, did their business there, and the proceeds were used for others. Wow! Can you see it? Today is the day we (the church world) need to take back ground. Remember the powerful examples we have throughout the Bible. Abraham was a herdsmen, Moses was the same. David was the same and a wealthy King. Solomon? Well, the Queen of Sheba came just to find out how he was so successful. We also find in the NT Jesus was a carpenter and Paul was a tent maker while establishing churches. It seems pretty clear to me. And I embrace it. So today, lets start imagining and start doing. This is our time! Lets remember CiCis and Cold Stone - Watertown - were created for just such a thing..... Also check out this new business...... repurposeaccessories/
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 13:02:02 +0000

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