More bad news for obamascare. Obamascare extension for 9 weeks - TopicsExpress


More bad news for obamascare. Obamascare extension for 9 weeks is a dirty trick by the loser to put the blame for the governments stupidity in the sign up debacle on the applicants.. When that period is over- WATCH MY WORDS _ it will then be the applicants fault because th loser will declare the system fixed regardless of its actual status. MARK MY WORDS The constitution of the US states that it is the domain of congress to make laws, and by a majority vote enact them. It is the Presidents domain to sign the bills into law or veto them, Nowhere does the constitution give the president the domain of changing such laws to suit his purposes. He has however believed that he has been elected to b eGod and therefore Supreme over everyone. At least he acts this way. Np sitting leader has ever, for example, at least in public, announced that a certain person found not guilty in a homicide be brought up on federal charges of violation of civil rights. This is the second time he has interfered with the dealings of the equally seated judicial branch of the government. The first time was when he ordered his yes man attorney general to dismiss the charges against the Philly black panthers who used guns to chase away no loser voters from the polls and influence others top vote for him. Now he has amended the criminal obamscare legislation by two separate acts. The first was to quietly give small business owners a year delay in starting their portion of this terrible bill. Then he delayed registration of applicants for 9 weeks. This should have been sent back to congress for amendment not left to his holylessness to do it. Latest Horror Story. In an interview on Huckabee, a woman with a hubby and 4 children have no insurance. Why because he is employed in a high risk construction business. They do not qualify for the subsidy at the ridiculously high figure of 63,000 . So far she has been able to find a basic package but not one that cover injuries from his job. This basic policy will cost them over $1,000 per month and they still need to find, if they can someone to insure his employment. Depending on which company accepts them they could be in for an annual deductible of up to 5,000 per year. Plus under the new tax act of his unworthiness they will get hit with a platform and a fee of $100 on their taxes for using a medical deduction on their taxes. BY the way 26 year olds can expect a $3,000 deductible plus the fee and platform if they file the long form. Experts say that thry will never recover these absorbitant fees if they remain healthy. Remember the famous words You can keep your current insurance company Over i million independent insurers have already been notified that their policies do not meet obamascare standards and they need to find new ones.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 06:55:49 +0000

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