More changes for our good elder. He gets to stay put, but those - TopicsExpress


More changes for our good elder. He gets to stay put, but those around him are on the move. More growth opportunities! Enjoy! Konnichiwa, family! I dont know how the weather is in either Hawaii or Michigan, but it seems to be on the rise here in Osaka! Today, I havent needed a jacket, and that is a nice change of pace! Well see how long this lasts until the rainy season hits, but Ill keep an optimistic outlook. As is ever the case, I hope this finds you all well and loved--which is how it is all the time! Well, dont have a lot of time to chat today. I probably could, but Ive already made my poor temporary companion wait whilst I collected and input information to the office about our zones investigators. Yep, I did say temporary companion. Transfers have come again, and, boy, are things been shaken up a bit around here! But all for the better. It is going to be an extremely fun and powerful transfer, I can already feel it! Well, this past Saturday evening, as we are doing some planning for our investigators, my dear companion Elder Carter gets a phone call...from President. I could hardly keep from smiling too big as he was asked to serve as an assistant to the President! Sorry if I was unclear before--my district leader returns tomorrow to Australia, but Carter Choro (whos from Arizona, actually) is on to a larger stewardship in this vineyard! He got the news on Saturday, and I dropped him off at the office this morning. One of the missionaries from another area came to the office to be the commissarian, so his companion is with me until transfer day--Thursday. My first assigned Japanese companion, Elder Yamaguchi! Too bad its just for three days; hes a really nice missionary. So, Carter Choros call to the office left a vacancy in the Osaka Zone leadership. Care to take a wild guess at who my new companion is? ......(yes, a drum roll would be appropriate here)...... Langford Choro! I know! What are the odds?! We were together back in Tottori as third transfer missionaries. Then he left to be a zone leader in Wakayama, and now hes back stuck with me here in Senri! Its awesome, to say the least! Elder Langfords one of my greatest friends I have in the mission, and its a real privilege and honor to work with him again. I dont exactly know what the Lord expects of two seventh-transfer zone leaders, but I trust He knows exactly what Hes doing. We will just face this new adventure the same as we did way back when. Trust in the Atonement of Christ, and rely on Him. Only now we have deeper faith and an increased capacity to trust in Him. I am excited to do the Lords work from here on out. And transfer calls really shook up the rest of the zone, too. But a lot of solid missionaries will transfer in this week, which makes me even more excited! The zone was strong as it was, but I can see many if not all of these companionships really working well together to perform miracles for the Lord. Many of them are younger than me, quite a few are older than me. It will be a test of all of our humility and patience and faith to work together, and I know the Lord will help us. It was sad to see my rock-solid district leader head back to the land down under, and it was tough to realize my Canadian trainer is heading back to the Mounties. But Ive learned a lot from them, and I can now take what Ive learned and apply it, and keep the mission growing faster. Thats really what needs to happen; this work of salvation cannot slow down! It will take increased faith and diligence and humility from each of us. Again, I wish I had more time, but I dont want to keep Yamaguchi Choro waiting too much longer. Can I just say that I agree with all of the good lessons you are learning? I know they are from God. Now, as we do all we can to apply what we have learned, I know that God will strengthen us. If I have learned nothing while serving in this assignment, I have come to know that the statement is true: God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. And that qualification takes time and a bit of struggle. But allowing Him to improve us is worth everything. Unity is key. I have felt it recently in my personal study. I feel like I need to work to develop a Zion zone here. God defines Zion as a condition where a people are of one heart and one mind. They are unified with each other, and with Him. That being the case, He can work through and for them in powerful ways. Ive come to feel that its very connected to the idea of true discipleship weve been maintaining in the Japan Kobe Mission. An individual who relies on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with faith, diligence, and humility is called a true disciple. A group of people who rely on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with faith, diligence, and humility is called Zion. Its all connected. Ive also recently felt that the Lord has specific areas He needs me to improve in, and He has very mercifully and kindly shown me what those areas are. Im so excited to get to work, relying on the Savior, and helping these my brothers and sisters prepare to return to God. This is His work, and I am humbled to be a part of it. I appreciate everything you shared, all of you. Keep your eye single to Gods glory and who Hed like you to be, and you will win every time. Because you cant fail in His work if you trust Him. And we are all on a mission, and I mean it literally. You were called to the Earth mission long before you were born. Think about that a bit. Its something Ive been thinking about lately, it it sure is a humbling concept. God has a lot that He expects of us, and if we fulfill it He promises to give us all that He has. Thats in the scriptures a lot! And it is a magnificent promise. I know this work and glory is that of Heavenly Father, and He directs it through His Son, Jesus Christ. I know that He is everything the scriptures say He is, and that we can access His divinity in order to do things that we mortals cannot do alone. That is the nature of the work of a missionary of this Church, and I am striving to become a truer one every day. I love this work, and I love these people. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father, and just want to serve Them. I sure am not perfect, but that is why I love repentance, and thats why I absolutely love the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I love you all, too. Keep smiling, and keep working! The Lord has great blessings awaiting each and every one of you if you will. Remember that. I am so blessed and privileged to be here on this earth, at this latter-day time, and here in this wonderful mission and country, at this special time. The Lord never ceases to amaze me with His love and mercy. That we may all come more fully unto Him, I pray! My love to you all. マッカーティ長老 Elder McCarty
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:23:10 +0000

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