More churches , more troubles... My fello Ezillioas, hapy - TopicsExpress


More churches , more troubles... My fello Ezillioas, hapy sunday. I want us to look into thi issue... its lengthy but read keenly please. The level of the proliferation of churches all over the globe is a wonderful and godly matter. In my street alone, i just discover that each family and house owns a church. Every available house has been turned into a church. Churches are now been located in hotels, bush bars, recreational gardens, stadia etc. Its a wellcome development. The bible says in Acts 2:46-47-That: And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved That means, its biblical for church to grow from house to house. The problem however, is, despite all these proliferation of churches, why are many things going wrong in the society? Take for instancè, in that my street where there are many church, several social ills take place there. A chore member in one of the churches there got pregnant for pastors son, to cover up the shame, the pastor opted to terminate the pregnancy. Still, am not suprise because Matt 24 cleared ways for all these in preparation of the coming of our Lord Jesus. My third worry also is that many churches are now going digital. What does that mean? 1. Ipads, Ipods, Android phones tablets etc are gradually replacing bible, note books, etc in our modern churches today. Many people do not go church nowadays with bible again. Technonlogical innovations are gradually replacing the book bible. Note, its a welcome development because as the society advancrs, the word of God must also advance to beat the taste of time. Mind you, the chronical history of the word of God started with scroll to book bible now to softwares technonlogies. This however do not go without some flaws because, as the pastor or Rev Fr preaches the gospel from the bible, many laities will be busy surfing the net, chating with friends via facebooks, 2go, whattaps etc with threir ipads, phonrs, tablets etcwhile the homily goes on. 2. Every church members are authorised to wear indecent dressing to church. Exposing every parts of the body, its allowed- I understand..,. 3. Now, envelopes are prepared in different formats, the ushers will get them ready on seats, as you are entering church, about 4-5 envelopes are waiting for you on the seat. one for offering, others for tithes, seeds, donations etc. Yea, its allowed because he who gives bountifully, recieves bountifully... I understand. 4. Its glaring that in some churches located in bush bars, hotels, stadia, etc, televisions are mounted in different locations, when its time for Europen league- football, pastor will sit down and allow members watch football. All in the name of looking for members. Its sllowed because all efforts are geared toward winning souls. 5. Just recently, a friend invited me to a wedding in his church. As we entered the premises, 3 beautiful girls (I assumed they are ushers) rushed me and welcomed me beautifully like a king, Ushered me to my seat, and handed over a hand bill to me. Whats the content? That the pastor id organising a crusade, in that crusade, many musicians will be invited to thrill the ocasion- such as p-square, Timaya, and some renowned muscians, the venue gona be in one of the best resturion in town,. I baffled, why such a secular crusade. I was meant to understand that its all to win souls. I concured... The ushers also handed over some packet shirts, trousers of all sort to me, advertising for the sales of the cloths in the same church. When I wanted to know why, I was told that what I wore that day was off from their dresing code. 1. I must wear sagging clothes, 2. Open breasts clothes for ladies, 3. Tight wears, etc. They also told me that I shouldnt bye those items outside their church. Eh? 6. Why on earth should different types of dancing steps such as asonto, awilo, breaking dance etc are now the order of the day in church? I also understand that according to Psalmist, you can praise God in every aspect of ways, or dancing steps... Its allowed.... 7. In some churches, prophecies are given to a person in church according to the amount of money donated or sowed to pastor or to the church by the person... ...and many more happenings in our churches. What of if a reform dhould be carried in our churches just like the central bank did in the banking industries in Nigeria and everybody is now enjoying commercial banks. If the Government should set up a committee ouside CAN, to reform our churches... RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Any church in Nigeria that do not have branches in the 36 states of the Federation should be scraped or better still be merged with others that have. 2. That Every pastor of a church should be monitored and as well be placed on thorough screening before his/her church should be allowed to operate. 3. That all the mission schools (Schools/Universities owned by the church) should allow her members children/wards free education or better still reduce the high cost of fees paid in their school. All these universities were built with our tithes and offering. How come we cant access or afford them. 4. Dressing parttern: This committee should not compel anyone anyway, but should ensure that societal ills are curbed in the society, using the church as the best apparatus to achieve this aims. 5. Urshers, hmm! Ushers, be careful, mind how you usher.... mind how you dress, mind how you stare at the people during sermon, mind how you walk up and down to the admiration of members during service. Did you observe those who surf the net, who chat during sermon, who do one thing or the other during service. Take note... More recommendations.... A passionate appeal to our churches that use every means to worship God, cant we maintain decorium and ponder what John 4:23-24 says about God. Its not all about secular things but Spiritual, sincerety of purpose, humanitarianism, charity and love for God according to the scripture. Lets not make Gods ways the ways of the devil, they are two parrarel roads.... He who has ear listen to what the spirit is saying.... ....more on this issue in our next edition...
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 12:56:47 +0000

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