More complete and utter bullshit from that bastion of integrity - TopicsExpress


More complete and utter bullshit from that bastion of integrity and ethics...the UN. I wouldnt believe these totally incompetent nincompoops if they said Spring followed Winter. The utter arrogance of man to think he can influence climate on a global scale with his puny internal combustion engine and billowing smokestacks. And youd best believe that the people at the top (ie. Odummer, John I-was-for-it-before-I-was-against-it Kerry, our corrupt EPA, etc.) KNOW its bullshit but do you think theyd overlook a chance at a power grab like this? Especially when so many in the ill-informed and lacking-in-critical-thinking-skills set just chug it down with a little extra zombie juice? Meanwhile the math is irrefutable. Think the world is crowded? Huh? Heard that one all your life? Its bullshit, too! You could give EVERY PERSON ON EARTH an acre of land and you know what? Wed ALL fit comfortably on the North American continent EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI!!! Thats right! Dont believe me? Do the math! Then contemplate and recognize anytime you hear phrases like the science is settled, theres no debate or the consensus says... youre hearing bullshit! Utter and complete. Now have a nice day you bunch of Chicken Little(s)...Love ya!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:21:22 +0000

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