More cut and paste from a blog: The Islamists are Winning. - TopicsExpress


More cut and paste from a blog: The Islamists are Winning. Who is helping them in their quest to Islamise Europe? The BBC. Historian Sir Alan Bullock said that ” One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror”. Today he would have included the Islamists in that group. It isn’t just terrorists who know that of course but here’s their calculation…they want to spread Islam and do so by setting bombs to go off, killing and injuring hundreds in a European capital or they shoot high profile targets for maximum shock value and they know, on past experience, that the immediate reaction is not to place the blame where it belongs but for Liberal Europe to turn upon itself, blaming its treatment of Muslims within its borders as sufficient justification for mass murder. The Liberals excuse cold blooded mass murder because someone was apparently unemployed or in a low status job, they were ‘disenfranchised’, alienated, disaffected, ignored and demeaned as John Simpson once claimed. (Never mind European countries were rated the best places in the world to practise their religion!) Don’t like your job stacking shelves at a supermarket? Kill all the staff. Preferably at a Jewish supermarket. It’s OK…the BBC will smooth things over and blame the staff. As I said it isn’t just the terrorist who knows that calculation, Muslim activists are fully aware of the potential for making such ‘tragedies’ into momentum for more Islamic ‘freedom of religion’. And they know where they can get a sympathetic, uncritical shoulder to cry on whenever they want in any BBC studio up and down the land. Who needs a Mosque when you have the new religion of the Media at your beck and call to spread the word? The Islamic activists know that to cry that they are the real victims of these attacks, that Muslims are being set upon and Mosques attacked, tugs at the BBC heart strings and all reason and thought goes out the window. This morning on the BBC’s ‘Sunday’ we had just that….the answer to terrorists who want to Islamise Europe is to have more Islam….to Islamise Europe. Ed Staunton nodded along in happy agreement. The BBC is in effect in bed with the terrorists, they produce propaganda that no amount of money could buy….and for the terrorists the price is low, a few bullets, a few dead cartoonists, a few dead Jews. The price for everyone else is much much higher. Two thousand years of civilisation being put to the torch. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. The BBC and those who guard those freedoms aren’t alseep but choose to deliberately ignore the real course and cause of events….the BBC is betraying the very values it is supposed to cherish and protect, instead propagandising for a ruthless medieval, backward, ideology that won’t stop until it has won and doesn’t care who has to die in order for them to win.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:57:31 +0000

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