More follow-up from my brilliant friend Julia Latham and her - TopicsExpress


More follow-up from my brilliant friend Julia Latham and her interactions with lululemon about their idiotic Bacon is Life slogan on their Asheville shop window. In the last paragraph, she tells you how to be in touch with them and lend your voice. Thank you! Well, Lululemon - Asheville, right beneath your Bacon is Life message, you also advise: Surround yourself with people that call you on your sh**. Lucky for you that Im here! Simply put, you cant be a company that trumpets health and equates butter with early death (see your own corporate manifesto), and then shouts Bacon is Life from your window. Well, you can, but if you do, people will call you on your sh**. How have things progressed since you last heard from me? Your corporate office sent me an email offering to set up a call between me and your stores management team. When I asked if this management team was empowered to change the window if they chose to, corporate didnt reply. 24 hours and waiting. So funny, since Lululemon corporate dodged the whole issue with me earlier in the week by telling me that that the window was controlled at the store level. Of course your stores educator told me that shed raise my concern at a regional meeting. Store, region, corporate... Whoever makes the decisions, it really doesnt matter at this point. Lululemon - Asheville, you have assured both me and other critics that your window design was created by our community here in Asheville and it showcases our communitys diverse thought and lifestyle. I have two words for you, Lulu, editorial process. YOU went through the ideas that were contributed. YOU selected which phrases would be in your window. YOU decided on the font size and design. Dont pass the buck. This is your voice. People who walk by your window, such as me, dont think, Ah, what a lovely collage of thought from the citizens of Asheville. They attribute the statements to YOU, both your store and Lululemon corporate. As well they should. Youve also told critics of your Bacon is Life window, Rest assured, no animals were harmed in the making of this window display. How wrong you are. Animals are harmed when we encourage people to fetishize eating them. Thoughts like Bacon is Life and the 1,000 ubiquitous bacon jokes that float through the hipster community encourage people to divorce themselves from the reality of the horrific conditions under which the overwhelming majority of pigs and hogs live their lives, and the terror in which they die. And its not just pigs that you harm with your window display. Industrial scale hog farms are a serious health and environmental concern in eastern North Carolina, particularly in communities of color, see, e.g., . Bacon is Life encourages us to turn this degradation into a joke. As residents of hog farming communities have their homes and cars sprinkled with a fine mist of manure and watch their waterways fill with contamination, Im sure they will think of your winkey face and smile. Words have impact, Lululemon - Asheville. Yours do, and I hope mine do. You should take down the Bacon is Life message from your window immediately, and I encourage you to make a contribution to a local animal refuge to help balance your harm. There are many in the area that would be happy to receive your check. As always, if you want to send a thought to Lululemon, you can do so at: https://facebook/lululemonAsheville, https://facebook/lululemon, and kitchinplace-store@lululemon.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:11:28 +0000

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