More from Valerie!! The subway was packed, as usual. I made - TopicsExpress


More from Valerie!! The subway was packed, as usual. I made my way through the car, then found a seat next to an elderly woman. Is this seat taken? I asked. Not at all, child! she said, smiling. You go ahead and sit right down. Thanks, I said, sitting next to her. I sighed, then looked at my watch. On your way to work? the woman asked. No, Im getting on a plane to Ireland in about two hours, so Im taking the subway instead of a cab to get there early. I dont trust planes, she said. The subway is much better than a greedy cab driver or a plane. I can understand that, I said, smiling. So, whats in Ireland? Your husband? Oh, no! No, Im not married. Im actually single, I laughed. Oh, please! A gorgeous girl like you is bound to find someone! The woman laughed, then said, Im Adda. Valerie, I said. Over the course of thirty or so minutes, Adda told me all about her grand kids and late husband, as well as how her kids were a lawyer, a teacher and even an architect. During the time that she was speaking, however, a sudden feeling washed over me. Not just a feeling that I was being watched, but that I was being watched so intently, it was almost like I was a target. In an instant, I was alert and on the defense - one of the many effects of the tonic running through my veins. I closed my eyes and reached out with my mind towards the pair - no, pairs - of eyes on me. I found them - and my own eyes snapped open. No! They found me! How did they find me?! Two of the men that had been there that horrid night while I was hopelessly strapped to an operating table were only ten feet away from me, waiting, watching. For six months, Id gone into hiding. For six months, I honestly thought I was free - I was going to Ireland to start over, to create a new, happy life for myself, never to use my abilities for anything! Now that chance was ruined - all because I was careless and stupid! A million thoughts went through my head - how will I ditch them? Can I escape without using my abilities? Should I use them to escape? Could I really take that chance, risk my abilities being seen just to save myself? Its worth a shot, a voice said. The subway train came to a stop, and I gathered my things, then turned to Adda and smiled. It was nice meeting you! I said. Bye, child! Have fun in Ireland! I hurried off the subway and began to make my way into the crowd of people. I removed my beanie - to help throw them off - and zigzagged my way through a ton of people. I ran up the stairs and went to the left, walking as fast as I could. I looked at my watch - and groaned. No way Id make the plane now! Plus, theres the risk that they would know where I was No Ireland trip this time. Shake Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum first... I walked down random streets taking random turns, making myself completely lost. I looked behind me every now and then - and growled when I spotted the two men behind me. All right, I thought. Now you have no choice - you have to do something about this! I his myself inside an alleyway, then closed my eyes. The familiar tingling feeling in my hands, feet and face swept over me, and soon my eyes tingled, too. I opened my eyes again, then saw a piece of broken mirror in the corner. It worked! I now had long black hair, green eyes and much whiter skin. I turned my beanie inside out, then put it back on my head, and stepped out into the crowd. Once again, I felt the eyes on me. Suddenly, memories of that horrid night shot through my mind, making me stumble and grab my head. I saw the men, the needle, and heard my own screams. I shook my head clear, then put some distance between myself and the two men. Id almost forgotten that they had their own abilities. I was a rogue - and rogues are targets. Theyre hunted down and killed for leaving. Those who did the hunting were also given special talents - ones to pick out the rogues. They were bound to have seen my little fit - so they now knew what I looked like. I then began to run - and I slowly began to change back to myself. I kept running, blocking them out as much as I could. I ran down another street, then accidentally bumped into someone. Oh, sorry! The guy was about six feet tall, somewhat rugged-looking, and had on a black and grey beanie. He wore a greenish jacket and jeans, as well as boot-like shoes. He had dark eyes that seemed a bit surprised just then, and one of his eyebrows were arched. I looked back and saw the men searching through the crowd. Sorry, I said again, then took off down the street. The men kept up, and I lost track of how long I was running. I turned down another alleyway - and felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a hand cover my mouth. Dont make a sound, the guy said. I closed my eyes and saw his face - and realized it was the guy that I had bumped into before. You followed me? I whispered harshly. Yes, he whispered. Why? I asked, but he shushed me and pushed us back against the wall. The two men ran past us, not even bothering to look into the alley. I sighed, then faced the guy. Thanks. Now, why did you do that? Im here to help, he replied. You want to help me? I asked. Would I have followed you this whole time if I didnt? he replied. Look, no offense, but Im not the best person to be around, I said, then started to walk away. I can hide you, he replied. I stopped, and faced him. I can get you safe and guide you out of town. They wont even know you left. I paused a moment. This guy was willing to help out a random stranger, one he didnt even know. Who are you? I asked. No time for that now - theyve spotted us. This way! He took off, and I followed, as did the two brutes. He led me around the corner, down a street and into an alley. There was a wooden fence at the end of it, with a loose board. He lifted it up and I ran through, as did he, and we hid behind it, just as the two brutes ran into the alleyway. Come on, he whispered, and we ran through a new, smaller alley, down to a door at the end. I know a guy here - he lets me crash when Im close by. He knocked three times, and a small slit opened in the door. A large green eye stared out, then vanished. The door opened to a pub, and a very large man grunted as we walked in. Thanks, Lug, the guy said, then took my hand. Just stay close and no one will bother you. You sure about that? I muttered, taking in a few of the people in the pub. Mostly men, intentions of which were the most obvious by the way they eyed me. He chuckled. Believe me - theyll look but they wont touch. They know me well enough. Seth! a voice called out. It was the bartender, and he greeted us with a smile. Didnt expect to see you back so soon. Hey, Tom, Seth replied. Im actually here for a didnt rent my old room out yet, did you? Never do, he replied,handing Seth a key. And who, may I ask, is your lovely friend? Im Valerie, I said, shaking his hand. Valerie Porter. Well, Valerie, I hope youll enjoy your stay. If youll excuse me, I have to get back to work. Take care, guys. See ya later, Tom, Seth called, then took my hand again. We were almost to the door when a voice called out, Hey, Seth! Whos your friend? Keep walking, he murmured, putting himself between me and whoever called out. I was almost to the door when a man got in front of me. He was a tall man, very skinny and had a slightly crooked nose and a toothy grin. Back off, James, Seth warned, placing himself in front of me again. Dont touch her. Aw, come on, Seth! I just wanted to say hi, James said innocently. Your definition of saying hi is different than most people, Seth shot back. Leave. Her. Alone. Seths eyes were burning into James, and for a long moment, they stared. I touched Seths hand. Hey, hey, hey, Tom said, coming out of nowhere, take it down a notch. James, I told you to leave an hour ago. Youve had your share of liquor here - now scram! Fine, he said, going to leave. He got to the door and turned. Maybe this one will actually stay alive long enough, huh, Seth? Seth, no! Tom got in his way as Seth tried to go after James. James laughed and left the pub, and Seth let out a sound of anger before turning and storming up the steps. I went up after him, closing the door behind me. I went up - and when I entered the room, he was slamming dishes into a pile on the sink, extremely tense. I shut the door behind me, setting the key on the table by the door. Seth? I asked softly. Are you okay? He slammed another bowl down, and sighed, not looking at me. He then turned and faced me. No, he said. Im not. James isnt worth getting upset over. Hes a jerk. Its not him, its what he said, Seth replied. I would tell you the whole story, but you wouldnt understand. There is a way, I said. He arched an eyebrow and I sighed. Youre gonna think Im crazy. Nearly thirty minutes had passed - I was now sitting on the counter, and Seth sat at the table, an odd look on his face. He had just heard my entire story - of how Id been chased down, of how Id been drugged and now, how Im on the run for my life after escaping nearly six months ago. So, now you know, I finished. Thats why those men were after me, and thats why I need to go to Ireland, because thats where Ill be safe. He got up from the table and walked towards me, a new expression on his face. He placed his hands on the counter on both sides of me, his face only a foot away from mine. You say you can show people your memories, right? Yes, I said slowly, wondering where he was going with this. Show me, he said, and I sighed. you even begin to realize that what I went through may not be something youd want to see? If I didnt want to see, I wouldnt have asked. Once you see it, it cant be unseen, I said. Its up here - I put two fingers on his head. - forever. Honestly, I wish I could un-see it, I said, then began to lower my hand. He caught my hand in his, placing it on his face. Show me, he repeated. Please. I sighed, then realized there was no point in arguing. Seth was curious, and I knew now that there was no way hed give up. Okay, I said, you asked for it. However, Im warning you now - itll be as if you were there. He waited patiently, and I placed my other hand on his face, then gently rested my forehead against his, closing my eyes. I sighed, then relived that horrible night once more from the beginning... Valerie! I was beginning to think youd forgotten about me! How could I forget about you, Jerry? I asked, setting my books down on the counter. I come here almost every day! Id loved the library ever since I was a little girl - and the fact that it got dark around seven never stopped me. I took advantage of the time as much as I could, until they closed at eight. Jerry was always my favorite worker, and hed always been my friend. True, but Im not always the guy checking your books out for you anymore, he replied, sounding hurt. Oh, its all right. Youre still my favorite. Well, thats the best news Ive heard all day! All right, lets see here... The whole time he was looking through and checking out my books, I got a funny feeling that I was being watched. I looked over my shoulder, and saw a man eyeing me up and down, a smile on his face. Uggh, what a creep! I thought. Most men were nothing but perverted jerks - and the way he was looking at me wasnt just a friendly observation. Here ya go! Jerry said happily, handing me my bag of books. Thanks, I said, waving. See ya! I walked as quickly as I could out of the library, hoping he wouldnt follow me. Naturally, I was wrong - he was following me at a distance, hoping I wouldnt notice. I noticed. I moved faster - nearly ran - down the street and around the corner, into an alleyway. I tried to catch my breath and search for a place to lose him a and spotted the supermarket not too far away. I peeked to see how far back he was - and then practically bolted down the street to lose him. Two other men suddenly grabbed me, yanking me into an alleyway. No - ! I started, but it was too late. A cloth suddenly touched my face, and as Is truffled to get free, I felt the world spin and felt myself grow more and more tired. I looked up to see a blurred figure kneel beside me and smile. I let out a simple whimper - Then, everything went black. I woke up, strapped to an operating table. The straps were tight on my wrists and ankles, the gag tight and sour in my mouth. The three men from the alleyway - as well as a fourth one - all surrounded me, dressed in surgical gowns and masks, staring down at me. Id never been so terrified in my entire life, and my heart pounded in my chest. One bent over me slightly, looking me over through glasses. Subject 13A, Caucasian female, he said, writing on a clipboard. Are we so sure shes strong enough to handle it? another said. She looks a bit...weak. Of course shes weak, the other snapped. She was running for her life back there! That, and her blood type is the exact match we need. Now, stop complaining and do your job! The man sighed, then lifted a needle with a purple liquid in it. He then looked down at me. Brace yourself, he said, because this is gonna hurt. He poked me with the needle - and I closed my eyes and screamed. It had felt like fire was moving through my veins, and I was seeing things: the men in masks, the streets and lights in a blur, I could hear my own heartbeat as if it was right in my ear. I screamed and writhed, and felt my eyes change, my vision blurring one minute and then going perfectly sharp another. The men all watched me, wicked smiles on their faces. The pain grew, my back arched - and I sank back to the table, the pain gone. I opened my eyes - and they smiled. There, one said. That wasnt so bad, was it? I couldnt move, because I felt so much at once - emotions and physical changes - it was almost too much. I let out a snarl - and the side table moved against the wall on its own. Moments over the next few months flashed through my mind - my escape, them hunting me down, and me settling in town. Scenes from tonight flashed through my mind - when I began to run, when I bumped into Seth, and when hed helped me escape, up until that moment. I left my hands on his face, and he sighed. I told you it would be something you wouldnt want to see, I murmured. I know, but Im stubborn, he said. I guess its my turn to show you what happened to me, huh?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:45:27 +0000

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