More from the LaBarr-v-DEA 1993 Collected Recording: Nothing - TopicsExpress


More from the LaBarr-v-DEA 1993 Collected Recording: Nothing ruins a person’s life more than having one of these things set up on your property for 3 days. Shown is the (non-functional model) from the sighting point at dawn on July 1st 1993; It was initially more in the center of the roof when assembled and was dragged over towards the spot above where it stood out so prominently in the afternoon of the first day. By the afternoon of the second day it was gone from there. I recall that it was in a sense Beautiful in appearance. A pre dawn sweep caught about 6 guys up there assembling a pyramid shaped tent frame including two men with the Khaki shirts and 2 – 4 Mexicans with loose white baggy clothing and hats who continually walked around it all day long, bent over and tucked wrinkles out of it. They kept adjusting the angle as the day progressed as though they were trying to track the angle of the sun or? It must have been around 120 degrees up there on that tin roof. This modeled scene is almost identical except for an overall green hue of the Starlight scope. The band on the actual device seemed a bit higher and narrower than this model. I made the model with the band lower to accent it and the original seemed the same height, but wider than the model above. I’d say about a 51 Degree angle instead of 45 Degrees. I also had no clue at that time that I was probably looking over some military sub’s equipment most-likely having classified patents or that it was Army Missile Command equipment out of Ft. Carson/Cheyenne Mountain. Nor the faintest idea or concept of what was going to happen next. …And at the time, it was almost unreal, surreal and had a cartoon-like sense about it. If they would’ve turned around and left, I’d actually have forgotten about the whole thing, but they stayed for 3 days and burned it into lifelong memory in a manner comparable to a firing squad going, “Ready, Aim & …72 hours of sleep deprivation and psych-torture at split second gunpoint.” The exact order of the events of the first 3 hours is still irretrievably scrambled. I find I have only partial memory of some events in my life before that event and some other odd ones remain very strong or have returned, including even of being in the womb. I remember when this was starting, one moment Mrs. LaBarr was over making coffee. I said, “Come here, come here.” She protested, was tired & so on, so I went over, placed my hands on her shoulders, walked her over, turned her and placed her down into the seat where I was watching reflections from and said, “look, look, see, see.” She did and described the scene perfectly –to a T and I noted her initial captivation and curiosity… As that moment ended Mrs. LaBarr was on the couch next to me in an unresponsive type of shock for hours. As I relive those memories of that initial scene I’m haunted that after an episode of a moment or two of trying to revive her, it was similar to a plane crash in that one has to just roll and go with the flow of it and that there wasn’t a single second thought about her stabs me years later. For 11 months afterwards scenes of this event and the pyramid kept cycling in mind in an endless, full-intensity videotape type PTSD loop –every wakeful minute of every day…
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:25:02 +0000

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