More fun with dreams: I am walking through an area that is soft - TopicsExpress


More fun with dreams: I am walking through an area that is soft white and a little foggy. To my right and left are the phantom images of friends from through out my life, new and old, younger and elder, here and those that have passed on. There are other phantoms that bear only vague faces for those I have yet to meet. Padding along beside me is a large cheetah, roughly the size of a horse but capable of locking its emerald green eyes with mine. Its voice is soft, motherly, and filled with wisdom as it speaks. Despite how you see yourself, you are a good man, with a soul that warms all around you. You have great potential. However, recognize that there are those, material and spiritual, that would do you harm to block the good you might do. Or worse they would seek to draw you down their dark path. Know them in that they see the world in only black and white, forever blind to the darkness that stains their souls. Open your eyes not only to shades of gray, not only to all the colors they take in, but also the palettes of spirit, heart, and mind. Do this and any darkness in your path will be as passing shadows on the ground. Keep your heart hard when it needs to be, but fear not to let others in when you choose to give them your trust. I simply nod and look at all the faces up and down both sides, marking which falls where in the wisdom I have heard. I move further into the fog, the phantoms I have marked closest to my heart stepping from their line on either side and following me. I simply hear the last words echoing all around. Choose well little brother in all things, fear not what the others say, but be true to yourself and those you have chosen to stand by. *end dream and wake up*
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 05:49:46 +0000

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