More important will he crush WI??! Tax cuts and Medicaid spending - TopicsExpress


More important will he crush WI??! Tax cuts and Medicaid spending are contributing to a projected budget deficit that may reach $2.2 billion in the two-year period starting in July 2015, according to his administration’s analysts. While Walker aides call the projections premature, Democrats say the figures prove the governor’s policies -- especially income and property-tax reductions -- turned a $517 million surplus at the end of June into a shortfall. “We’re in a big pickle right now,” said Democratic state Representative Peter Barca. “Regardless of how you slice it or dice it, obviously there is a huge deficit going into the next fiscal year at a time of relative prosperity.” The fiscal volatility is familiar to Todd Berry, president of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, a nonpartisan research group that examines taxes and government spending. “Wisconsin is politically incapable, with a fulltime, professional and highly partisan legislature, to do anything that looks at finances over the long-term,” Berry said. “It doesn’t matter which party’s in control,” he said. “They’re too busy positioning themselves for short-term partisan advantage. We lurch from problem to problem.”
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:28:22 +0000

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