More in response to liberal thinking, this time speaking of - TopicsExpress


More in response to liberal thinking, this time speaking of Christian responsibilities to the poor: Although I will not present here the details, you know I have the credentials of a lifetime of service to others, so the following answers are presented by someone who has walked the walk FAR MORE than your above-average, talk-the-talk, generous-with-the-money-of-others liberal. First, we must understand that poor is a relative term, one which you have emphasized by arguing, but w/o defining, rich vs. poor. The argument today regularly has more to do w wants than it does w needs. The Bible says families have the first responsibility to pick up the slack, widows are to re-marry so as not to be a burden, and then the church is to take care of its own first, and then others second as they are able. Few Christian conservatives would argue against a true subsistence-level safety net, b/c this is in the best interest of the country. Nevertheless, the vote-buying (i.e. bribery, which is sin) of both parties has rewarded those who would profit off of the labor of others (theft), such as greedy businessmen, greedy politicians and greedy welfare (in ALL its many forms adding up to more-than-subsistence) recipients. Providing anything more than a subsistence-level safety net is not biblical (II Th. 3:10, but in context), and it hurts our country--most of all the poor--by discouraging productivity, which is the foundation for a strong nation & people. This answers all but the last two questions. Yes, socialism-creep is partly the result of the true church not doing its part, again exacerbated by the greed/selfishness apparent in the proportion of their resources devoted to creature-comforts in church, rather than stewardship-style benevolence. Last questions answer: No, unfortunately it is every Americans responsibility to pay the price of the decisions made by those we elect, but my answer heretofore expresses my position on corporate greed. In conclusion, righteousness exalts a nation, but as Cotton Mather put it in 1680 in New England, Religion (Christianity) begat prosperity, and the daughter devoured the mother.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:36:22 +0000

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