More latest very very interesting comments by His Excellence, - TopicsExpress


More latest very very interesting comments by His Excellence, President R.G Mugabe on ZANU PF party and Zimbabwe Presidential succession when he finally get to retire. NEITHER Vice President Joice Mujuru nor Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa have an automatic ticket to take over leadership of the country, as the people will have their say and choose who they deem fit to be President, President Mugabe said yesterday. The President, who was speaking in response to reports of factionalism in the ruling Zanu-PF pitting factions reportedly led by the two senior Politburo members, said no individual owned the revolutionary party. Addressing members of the Gushungo clan at Murombedzi Growth Point yesterday, the President said presidential aspirants would be elected through the Zanu-PF congress. President Mugabe said VP Mujuru and Minister Mnangagwa were not the only people who could take over from him as the pool of potential leaders was large.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 15:05:41 +0000

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