More of Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan - The Value of the - TopicsExpress


More of Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan - The Value of the Black Woman _______________________ Modesty is a beautiful way to show that you have self-respect and dignity. Modesty is important to maintain because it gives women security against people who are influenced by the mind of Satan to attack that which gives life. Black women are more likely to be attacked, both physically and mentally, than any other race of women and I believe one reason is because many Black women lack self-respect. Many Black women don’t recognize our value. In not recognizing our value, we don’t see the divinity in covering ourselves and shielding our minds from the evils of this present world. In his lecture titled “The Divine Nature and Value of Women,” delivered September 11, 2011, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said the following: “The enemy wants you to think nothing of yourself, so the enemy strips you of your real nature. He has denatured the female and the male and anytime somebody denatures you, they have devalued you. So right now as a woman or as a Black man, you are not valued, and the worst part of that is, you don’t value yourself,” Black women are Goddesses of the universe, Mothers of Civilization. How then did we and still do allow ourselves to be stripped of our value, dignity, clothes, our nature of righteousness, God’s protection and our divine connection to Allah (God) Himself? Anything that has value is covered. The seed that gives life is surrounded by dirt, only allowing a few things to pierce it, including the light of the sun and water. Treasure is covered in a chest, needing a key to unlock the riches that lay inside. What is the key that unlocks your heart, mind, and soul? If that key is a few slick words that come in your direction for one purpose, then you need to reevaluate yourself. youth_speak_logo_9.jpg Jewelry is covered by a jewelry box. One of the definitions of the word “jewel” is, “a person or thing that is treasured, esteemed, or indispensable.” Well, Black woman, do you not think that you are a person that is treasured, esteemed, and indispensable? You are indispensable in the way that you are a critical component when it comes to the rise of our people and the coming in of the Kingdom of God. Recognize your value. Once you recognize the truth of your value, separate from those who seek to devalue and denature you. You are more valuable than that seed that gives life because your womb has the potential of bringing about those that cultivate that seed that gives life. You are more valuable than that treasure in a chest because you determine whether or not a god or a devil will be created. You are more valuable than that jewelry in a jewelry box because the rise or fall of a nation lies in your hands. Once you recognize your value, then can you be truly modest. Once you recognize your value and know who you are, you will not want to act, speak, or dress in ways that are not in accord with your nature.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:02:21 +0000

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