More of James Whites Follies One of many examples of James - TopicsExpress


More of James Whites Follies One of many examples of James Whites hypocrisy - Word and Turn In his book, The King James Only Controversy, chapter Nine, which is titled Problems in the KJV, on page 231 Mr. James White states: Jack Lewis notes that the KJV is also well known for the large variety of ways in which it will translate the same word. Now certainly there are many times when one will wish to use synonyms to translate particular terms, and context is vitally important in determining the actual meaning of a word, but the KJV goes beyond the bounds a number of times. He continues: For example, the Hebrew term for word or thing is rendered by EIGHTY FOUR different English words in the KJV! Another term, to turn back is rendered in one particular grammatical form by SIXTY different English words! Those who have attempted to follow the usage of a particular Hebrew or Greek term through the AV know how difficult such a task can be, and the inconsistency of the KJV in translating terms only makes the job that much harder. (End of quote.) Most people who read this in Mr. Whites book would think something like: Oh, that nasty KJV. What a lousy translation it is. How unscholarly! Why would anybody want to use that? Most people would never take the time to verify if there is any validity to what Mr. White quotes from a certain Jack Lewis here; they would just accept his scholarly statements as facts. James White knows both Hebrew and Greek and professes to be an expert in textual matters. He either didnt check the validity of the claims of Jack Lewis, or he is deliberately misrepresenting the facts to bolster his attacks on Gods preserved words in the King James Bible. In either case, his hypocrisy is simply inexcusable. The Hebrew word for the English word or thing is # 1697 Dabar. I only counted 78 different meanings found in the King James Bible, but Ill give Mr. White the benefit of the doubt and let him have his 84. A simple look at the complete NASB concordance shows that the NASB has translated this single word Dabar in at least NINETY THREE very different ways while the NIV has over 200 different English meanings for this single Hebrew word. Among the 94 different English words the NASB uses to translate this single Hebrew word are: account, act, advice, affair, agreement, amount, annals, answer, anything, asked, because, business, case, cause, charge, Chronicles, claims, commandment, compliments, concerned, conclusion, conditions, conduct, conferred, consultation, conversation, counsel, custom, dealings, decree, deed, defect, desires, dispute, doings, duty, edict, eloquent, event, fulfillment, harm, idea, instructed, manner, matter, message, nothing, oath, obligations, one, order, parts, pertains, plan, plot, portion, promise, proposal, proven, purpose, question, ration, reason, records, regard, reports, request, required, rule, said, same thing, saying, so much, some, something, songs, speaks, speech, talk, task, theme, thing, this, thoughts, threats, thus, told, trouble, verdict, way, what, whatever, word and work. As I said, the NIV has over twice this amount of different meanings - well over 200 - as compared to the KJBs 84. The second word mentioned by Mr. White is to turn back and it is # 7725 Shub, and in this case Mr. White is correct in that the King James Bible does translate it some 60 different ways. However what James forgot to mention is that his favorite NASB has translated this same single Hebrew word at least 104 different ways, while the NIV again has over 200 different meanings! What makes the hypocrisy of both James White and Mr. Jack Lewis all the more astonishing, is the fact that Jack Lewis himself is one of the principal NIV translators. This is the type of scholarship men like James White and Jack Lewis employ to discredit the truth of the King James Bible. For more information about James Whitelies and how he is the virtual Protestant Pope of the new Vatican Versions, See brandplucked.webs/jameswhiteppopevv.htm
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 02:29:41 +0000

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