More on prospecting, ......... Warm market. Warm Market: - TopicsExpress


More on prospecting, ......... Warm market. Warm Market: Contacting and Inviting Prospects to Business Presentations • Create urgency • Your objective is to book the appointment, not present the program • Be courteous. Ask if the timing of your call is convenient • Spend no more than 1 - 2 minutes on the phone. The longer you are on the telephone, the less likely your prospect will show up • Depending on when you last spoke to your prospect, re-establish your rapport. Then tell him/ her the purpose of your call • Book appointments for not more than 2 or 3 days in advance. Make sure they want more information. • Give your message with enthusiasm. (however, be in control) • Learn to work the law of averages. Invite twice as many people as you plan to have attend • Learn to attract your prospects to Zija through your professionalism, enthusiasm and caring attitude. Things to say/ not to say when commencing a telephone conversation: (Example: “Did I catch you at a good time?” or “Glad I caught you!” instead of “Sorry to bother you!”) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Sample approaches Note: These can be used on the telephone as well as in person. Opinion Approach: “I’ve just been introduced to an exciting business opportunity. I really respect your business judgment and I would appreciate it if you would give me your opinion.” Third Party Approach: “Hello/ Excuse me, ___________, I’ve recently joined an exciting company based in Lindon, Utah. Our business is expanding rapidly in your area and I was wondering if you knew of anyone who might be interested in earning an additional $500 or $1,000 per week working part time?” (Stop talking at this point) Approaching a Business Owner: “__________, what would a second business have to earn each year in order to capture your interest? Double your income?” “If I could show you something I’m doing that would allow you to accomplish that and maybe more, with a fraction of the capital and time you have invested in your regular business, wouldn’t it make sense for you to put aside an hour of your time to have a look at it with me?” (Response) “Great, how does either Tuesday or Thursday evening sound?” OR “Hi ________, this is _________” (Connect yourself with your prospect, how you met, etc.) ”I need your help. I have a business that has the potential to be very successful in a short period of time. The reason I called you is that I felt with your (business experience, expertise, contacts, etc) ability to ________, etc.), you would be a natural. Would you be interested in increasing your revenue without any extra overhead? Would you be interested in possibly earning franchise income without franchise investment?” Approaching a Friend: “If money were no object right now _________, what would you be doing with your life? Can what you are presently doing provide you with those freedoms (luxuries)? If there were a way for your to have that freedom, would you be prepared to take a serious look at an opportunity to do so? Our company, Zija International, is experiencing rapid growth and we are looking for several key individuals who are willing to be trained, and have a desire to earn a high 5-figure monthly income. Let’s get together on either Tuesday or Thursday evening and I’ll see that you get all the details.” A Simple, Basic Approach: “Our company is rapidly expanding in this area. I was wondering, do you know of anyone interested in earning an extra $1,500 to $2,000 per month part-time, working a minimal number of hours per week?” Note: If your prospects do not spark a personal interest in the opportunity, do not continue with your approach. Discontinue the conversation politely and go on to the next call. If Your Prospect Wants More Information: “___________, I would be only too pleased to answer all of your questions in detail. However, I’m really pressed for time right now. Why don’t we get together this week sometime? Are mornings or evenings better for you? How does either Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning sound to you? (Great) Why don’t we meet over at ________ in the coffee shop at 7:00 p.m. At 7:30, we are having a business presentation on Zija for about an hour. I’ll see to it that all of your questions are answered and I’ll have some literature for you. See you then. OR “Unfortunately, this is something that cannot be easily explained over the telephone. I’d love to tell you more, but it would be doing both you and the business a great disservice. You’ll get a much clearer picture of the entire program when you attend our business presentation (opportunity call). Besides, you wouldn’t want to make a decision without all the facts, would you?” (Response: NO) “Good, which day would suit you best, Tuesday or Thursday)? The Question Approach: Invitation One: “_________, let me ask you a question. I know you’re working at __________ Company, but do you have a plan in place that’s working well for you to become financially independent in the next 2 - 3 years? If there were such a plan, would you be interested in learning more about it?” Invitation Two: “_________, this is _________. Before I tell you why I made this call, I just want to ask you two quick questions. Were you just getting ready to pick up the phone and give me a call because you had a great financial opportunity that you wanted to share with me? (No) If you did have such an opportunity, would you have thought of me and given me a call? (Sure) Well, ________, that’s why I’m returning the favour.” When they ask “What is it all about?” reply: “I’ve discovered a company that has identified a true consumer need that literally everyone has – every day of their life. They promote inner health and outer beauty with their products. They have a plan that can make you wealthy, and a training program that will show you precisely how to build the business. Now, based on those facts, would you be interested in learning more about the company and the opportunities it offers?” (If they say “No,” drop the subject entirely and talk about something else.) The Close: “Great! I’ll pick you up at ___________ p.m. Did I mention to wear business attire?” OR “I’ll be waiting at __________ (place/location) at _________ pm.”
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:39:30 +0000

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