More recently, research began focusing on the fact that children - TopicsExpress


More recently, research began focusing on the fact that children with autism and ASD typically have heavy metal toxicity and overwhelmed detoxification pathways. So the question arose as to which toxins are especially hard to release—and very importantly, why autistic children have overwhelmed pathways of detoxification. It was determined that mercury and other metals such as aluminum were among the most difficult toxins for children with autism to release from their bodies. And the major route of exposure to mercury seems to be from vaccines. Childhood Vaccines Recent studies of the effects of vaccines on children have in fact caused a great deal of controversy, as significant correlations are being made between the vaccines and autism. There are two theories. One states that the MMR vaccine causes intestinal problems that may lead to the development of autism. The other points to the mercury-based preservative, Thimersol, which appears to be associated with autism. The Hepatitis B vaccine commonly given to children includes 25 micrograms of mercury containing thimerosal. In 1992, only 8 percent of infant children received the Hep B vaccine. By 1994, the number of children receiving the vaccine reached 27 percent. And by 1996, the Hep B coverage rate rose to 82 percent. So it may be that vaccines are the culprit. But the question remains: why are the children’s bodies unable to release the heavy metals? Why are their detoxification pathways overwhelmed? Autism and EMFs This is where EMFs come into the picture. Important studies on the subject have found that EMFs play an important role in overwhelming toxin pathways. (They are, actually, instrumental in helping to cause a number of different diseases, as well as ADS). As we all know, the technological revolution has exploded in recent years, creating dense electromagnetic smog in all our homes, in schools, and just about everywhere in public. They flood our environment with the ever-rising number of cell and DECT cordless phones, wireless routers, cell towers, and wireless devices and games. And all this is on top of the EMFs that come simply from electricity and electrical appliances. Rise of Autism Matches Rise in Children’s EMF Exposure It was natural for researchers at some point to begin questioning whether the explosion in the amount of electrosmog in our environment had any relationship to the explosion in the number of children with ADS. This chart shows how well the rise of both ADS and technology in the last 35 years match: chart showing rise in autism and emfs Data from AutismSpeaks.or and various exposure measurement assessments. - See more at: earthcalm/childrens-health/could-emfs-be-a-cause-of-autism/#sthash.qEiuRk7H.dpuf Two important studies have been conducted correlating EMF exposure with Autism. In 2007, Tamara Mariera and Georg Carlo conducted a study to assess the role of EMFs from wireless devices in the etiology and treatment of autism. The findings of this study suggest a significant role of EMFs in both the etiology and the impeded efficacy of therapeutic interventions. baby sleeping with motherAnother study was performed by Dietrich Klinghardt, director of the Klinghardt Academy of Neurobiology in Seattle. The study strongly suggests that the electromagnetic environment in the sleeping area of the mother during pregnancy, as well as that in the sleeping environment of the children, may be contributing, if not causal, factors in neurological impairments in children, including autism. Dr. Klinghardt states: “electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping environment of the mothers during pregnancy, as well as electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping environment of children, may be a key contributing factor—if not a causative one—in neurological impairments in children including autism…” - See more at: earthcalm/childrens-health/could-emfs-be-a-cause-of-autism/#sthash.qEiuRk7H.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 05:16:59 +0000

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