More right, More wrong Getting into an argument about which side - TopicsExpress


More right, More wrong Getting into an argument about which side during the American Civil War was right and wrong is akin to arguing which side of today’s American politics is right or wrong. The North waged war for the false sense of security that comes with maintaining a behemoth of a centralized power hub. The ruse of fighting for the abolition of slavery only hid some of the gaping ocean trench like crevices in the North’s war for preserving the Union government; the first being for the collection of taxes to maintain unfair redistribution to the benefit of the distributor not the recipient. The South, while fighting for the preservation of a constitutional form of government, bore a burden too great for it to morally fight the good fight in the eyes of those unable to completely entertain a thought without succumbing to nasty straw-man pre-judgments. This doesn’t set the South free of wrong doing so much as it shows the lengths to which its choices were used to defeat it in the minds of those not thinking for themselves; namely those seemingly limitless lives thrown away at the command of United States commanding officers. Neither side was totally wrong or totally right but one side was more wrong than the other. That side was the North. Even if the war was truly about the abolition of slavery, the choice to use force against the entirety of a people who no more upheld the practice of slavery than their Northern counterparts did is a choice that should condemn the federal government as severely as the South and all of her people have been condemned for the institution of slavery. While the institution of slavery has its own problems with being understood, the act of waging war upon others guilty by direct practice and association without any practice is an even worse crime. What morally righteous edict proclaims the rights to invade, loot, destroy, and kill those defending their own lives because they do not stop the crimes of their direct neighbors? If the same concept were applied to the wars waged around the modern world by the federal government then the issue of slavery shall only be replaced with equal rights for women in Islamic countries. The federal government of the United States has a history of wrongly persecuting innocents alongside the guilty thus making new enemies for it to kill as false proof and justification for it waging war in the first place. The core of the Southern population didn’t fight to preserve slavery so much as they were fighting in resistance to an invasion of their homes by a people ignorant of the true goals of subjugation. On the flip side of this coin, this doesn’t mean that the average Southerner knew why the invasion was occurring. They just knew it was in the same way the people of the Middle-East know troops bearing the Stars and Stripes of the United States and the blue helmets of the United Nations are making a presence in and around their homes; albeit with a lot less terror than what the Southern States experienced but a presence that is not entirely welcomed none the less. -JLD ~~~
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 01:41:28 +0000

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