More scandal than Watergate! Operation Gladio and the strategy of - TopicsExpress


More scandal than Watergate! Operation Gladio and the strategy of tension - 9/11 still According to senior officials at the White House was behind the terrorist population. New evidence may have been 2,001th September, from 11. Informants leaking out of conversations, in which the USA conversations with Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden ..... The World Trade Center Building 7 is displayed in Times Square projectors .... One of the victims of the iketrornyok father talks about how he attacked the mainstream media. Against its own people and with extremists actually caught terror in the White House (the U.S. governing power background -. Szerk.megj) finance and planning at - confirmed by the government and senior officials of the CIA. The campaign, known as Gladio was a CIA appointed leader, Bill Colby major military operation. Gladio - OPERATION - strategy of tension One person involved in the conspiracy testified under oath so miserably: We need to attack the citizens, the people, women and children who have long since not participate in the political game that the authorities, to introduce a state of emergency. In the interview, Dr. Daniele Ganser, a Swiss Basel University historian, NATOs Secret Armies c. author of the book. It at this link for a more than an hour, a very interesting lecture can hear and understand. RT. - The mainstream media does not report it, but now it is officially recorded and documented that against its own population addressed decades of terrorist attacks in fact, the CIA and the White House organized. Dr. Daniele Ganser: - The Northwoods operation and Gladio Operation proof of already data are available now and people will understand that this is true, but it is still there, and a hard time living that they do not believe whats going on, because a psychological situation is bad news. Basically, it means that terrorism is manipulating people really be controlled like sheep. But if they say to us, we are like sheep and false flag (False Flag) attacks directed to us, it really is something that not what we want to hear. - See you at the White House several times with the use of the word strategy of tension. What does this mean? - The power strategy basically means that felrobbantasz a bomb and point at the enemy. We have evidence that the strategy of tension to continue and does not stop. More scandal than Watergate! - Said the FBI Dennis Saccheri that the U.S. defended the Al-Qaeda leaders and the Veterans Today that is still doing so until 2001. Informant for the FBI, Sibel Edmonds revealed that numerous regular meetings with U.S. representatives and Bin Ladens deputy in al Qaedas current leader Ayman Al-Zavahiri in September 2001.. 2,001th In July of the conspirators surround organizing terrorist attacks, FBI agents stopped the affair and threatened with prosecution by placing them. Then, when the officers arrested the most wanted terrorist of, Ramzi Mohammed on Youseffel caliph himself a foreign minister (!) Intervened caliph immediately released and deported to Saudi Arabia. The CIA mens Res *** t for brains. They not only look back, but also on the basis of information obtained in the intelligence community knew, Kalifas expulsion was untrue. Ramzi Yousef (left) - Mohammed Khalifa (right) RT - Kevin Barrett, Questionning the war on terror, the author of the interview. Welcome to! In fact, there are leaders who recognize that the terrorists are merely tools. Kevin Barrett: - And Al Qaeda is. The western intelligence agencies balekja.És that the Arab worlds leading political kommentátorától, Mohamed Keitaltól heard akiközvetlenül after 9/11 he told us that the official story of the attack is ridiculous. He said that when the highest levels of government in Europe, he was appointed by the fact that essentially infiltrate and control virtually called. al-Qaeda. He said that al-Qaeda is actually filled with Saudi, American and Israeli hírszerzőkkel hírszerzőkkel and even Egypt, but of course nothing he could do his own will! Nafeez Ahmed, a British researcher, one of the worlds most terrorism scholars, an incident occurring in Turkey speaks sometime before 9/11, when a suspected senior al-Qaeda commander has been arrested in Turkey. The prison guards noticed that it does not pray, and asked for pork: - We thought it was a radical Muslim? ... He laughed and replied: - No, this is simply the strategy of tension. September 11 attacks regarding the worlds leading physicists, engineers, pilots join the family of the victims to break the silence of the mainstream media. - Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Times Square and across states confront huge billboard with what most Americans do not know: In the 9/11 third tower is a day we can not even find aircraft, but simply collapsed in free fall! 17h 20 minutes in the afternoon when the World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly neatly and systematically simply curled up like a pancake. Scientists declare the video: - This is a simple high school physics. A building can not freefall of 40 thousand tons of structural steel and structural system to come tumbling down without blasting. (Jonathan Smolensk - a structural engineer) The government version is that it collapsed due to office fires simultaneously all the 84 steel columns ..... RT: - Jone Cole is one of the thousands of leading independent experts, who are 9/11 truth researchers, architects and engineers in Hungary. So who did? Jone Cole - Those who do not have the 19 hijackers who were supposedly the aircraft. It is impossible for the steel office fires melted fuel or its collapse. PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Experimentally it can not be repeated! It contradicts the laws of physics. If you put aside the politics, the assumption of religion and the scientific method is used, the World Trade Center 7 building collapse is essentially a classic controlled demolition, in which the building is in free-fall collapse and virtually remains within its footprint. Thats the only explanation that explains all the evidence: the nanotermitet, iron microspheres of high temperatures encountered therein, and the free fall, the acceleration of single towers when tumbling down, and there was no impact or shock when the collision portion underneath. Since there was no shock, something blew them out of the towers to be able to smoothly accelerate downward. The only thing that makes scientific sense, is that the towers were blown up. Jon ridiculed her and Popmechanics főármaú NatGeo channels that are desperately trying to show that 80kg nanotermit could not crunched the columns. Jon was only 0.5 pounds. RT: The known researcher Elizabeth Woodworth came to help set up a committee Concensus 9/11. He talks about - Even with accepted professional peer-reviewed journals, in which leading experts publish (such as the Heritage Study), if the media does not deal with them if the people knew about the research, would find shocking.. The committee has already reached the government changed the story and accept the skyscraper WTC 7 free fall. David Chendler modellezős excellent and the expert committee has designed a model, as the upper floors fell without resistance. The only way it could have happened this way: if all 80 columns over time, blow. RT: - Greame Dr. McQueen has received in the New York City Fire Department todays entries. The mainstream media never showed you, they reported more than 100 witnesses it to explosives omlasztották down the twin towers. Dr. Greame McQueen - Approximately 10,000 page very interesting material on the eyewitness reports of 118 people is clearly seen explosions You know, there are firefighters who are accustomed skyscrapers vaccination for people who are used smoke explosions and boilers, and they used words such as bomb... .. Level to level boom-boom-boom .... RT: Bob McIlvane want to answer to staying on the north towers son, Bobby why autopsy found a lethal injuries that are not tűzcsóvával but explosives can be explained. Yet the mainstream medias jibe that conspiracy theories are out of the question ... asking, in addition to trying to violent or al-Qaeda connections linked to the accused. Those dishonest conspiracy theories that the government of murder, conspiracy and accused of concealing the real truth about getting nevetségesebbek, but not only ridiculous, but dangerous as well. (The Rachel Maddow Show - MSNBC - 2013.) Bob McIlvane - My son is dead, and explosive died I know this must be proven even if the court were not, the judge would not know I do not accept as evidence And here is the problem, because its an insider deal, an internal working of.... My son died in an insider deal because someone blew up bombs: If this conspiracy theory, it simply shows how despicable the media. Rachel Maddow, I do not want to say its a ... a, is the medias ... yeah. Looking more than a million dollars and instructed what to say. One Philly journalists was very honest with me and said: - You know, Bob, Im the problem because we have lost our jobs. If you are from what you just said Im taking this to the editor, or just a little bit, crumples. Now I can tell you that this story can not be published. The media owners will not be allowed. The press is not going to deal with it, because people would still bugs ear. RT: - Who are you accusing why? Bob McIlvane - The population is therefore equally responsible for all this, simply because I want to believe that we are good people, we are an exceptional country. But these deeds, this government is making. The power to protect and very uninhibited. Never-ending war on terror is now conducting. I know what people are going through in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan because of losing their children. Thats all. Everyone loses families. It was pure hell! RT: The U.S. has now officially become légierejévé al-Qaeda, says one representative (Kucinich). But now America has had enough, nine out of ten are against the occupation, Obamas acceptance of historically low ... As for 9/11-, en masse, ca. 84% of people say that the government is lying. You have the documents and precedents demonstrate the power is ready to follow unimaginable crimes committed against its own people. I have since 12 years, hundreds of recordings I looked at this event, as it is really true that the day no one can forget it burned into our consciousness to where you were and what we were doing when this news arrived and turned on the TV t. However, since then, every time I see it, it is still just running around in the cold on my back and I find this incredibly powerful cold-blooded killing and pictures! Apologies if someone has this boring topic, but sometimes return back because days are also connected to everything that you took a new direction .... (SBG Buddha - VilagHelyzete) Recording from the ORIGINAL unedited no TV out Nearly 3,000 innocent people lost their lives in the bombing and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) occupying the wars of the background has been in power ...
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 10:41:14 +0000

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