More shooting rampages - Is it guns? Is it mental illness and/or - TopicsExpress


More shooting rampages - Is it guns? Is it mental illness and/or the meds they use to treat it? It it evil? Is it the pressures of an overly driven egocentric society? Is it media sensationalism, and the two minutes of fame? Is it lack of law enforcement? Is bullying? Is it modern permissive parenting. The answer is yes. Yes, it is a culmination and combination of a total breakdown at the very core, it is not any one thing, it is many things. Sure, for the gain of an agenda, we can say it was this or is that, but to do so is further entrenching our myopic and polarizing ways. This you are wrong and I am right way that leads to some of the divisions and pressures, that create the deep devices in our society and push people to dehumanize how they see others. In fact, one of the very roots of the problem is that we label and objectify others and not see them as human beings to love and accept,t in spite of our differences. I am no insightful scholar, but I would guess if we learn to love, listen to, and accept others, in a more compassionate way and embrace the fact that we each come from different points of view, based on our life experiences, and that is what makes us individuals and makes our cumulative decisions even more sound, that some of the pressures that lead to tragedy would diminish. I would also surmise that if at the point of a failure of the system, that if we all banded together in mourning our failures and not used it as a media blitz to sensationalize and promote agendas, that we would see less and lessor these horrors. Yes, guns can kill people. Yes people kill people. Yes mentally ill people, who may be one meds, or should be on meds, are more likely to kill people, as they have challenges within. Yes people who feel pushed of bullied, or rejected, are more likely to kill people, Yes people seeking attention and fame, in some cases kill people. But the tragedy is that we are are not bound together in love with the families and the victims, we are not seeking out the dejected, to love them, we are programed to jump to judgement and finger pointing. It is a breakdown of love, and compassion, it is a rush to label. This is not about politics, or religion, or big pharma, or even gun control, yes maybe in some case they play a part, but it is breakdown in our humanity. LOVE will not stop it all, but it will help. It will help retard it, it will help heal it, and it will help us to remember that those around us are mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, with story and experiences, good and bad, just like us. Please stop and love one another, before beating the drums of an agenda, for in that we may find unity and healing and maybe even at some point prevention.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:17:24 +0000

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