More than 200 African-American men, including academics, writers - TopicsExpress


More than 200 African-American men, including academics, writers and performers call on President Barack Obama to remember black girls in his vision of racial justice. #blackgirlsmatter From the Letter of 200 Concerned Black Men Calling for the Inclusion of Women and Girls in My Brothers Keeper: We write as African American men who have supported your presidency, stood behind you when the inevitable racist challenges to your authority have emerged, and have understood that our hopes would be tempered by the political realities that you would encounter. While we continue to support your presidency, we write both out of a sense of mutual respect and personal responsibility to address what we believe to be the unfortunate missteps in the My Brothers Keeper initiative (MBK). In short, in lifting up only the challenges that face males of color, MBK — in the absence of any comparable initiative for females — forces us to ask where the complex lives of Black women and Black girls fit into the White House’s vision of racial justice?
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 11:20:38 +0000

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