More than a year and a half ago I was asked to share a few words - TopicsExpress


More than a year and a half ago I was asked to share a few words at my aunt Phillis Willis Willis funeral. This is a portion of what I said in remembrance of her that day. I felt it should be shared for her posterity to have and save. Though it was hardly noticed around here the Great Depression was at its height. A Ground breaking ceremony had happened and The San Francsico bridge was started. The mid west was in the middle of what eventually became known as the Dust Bowl. A man by the name of Hitler had gained power in Germany and a game called monopoly was invented. The year was 1933..... The 18th day of February of that year Phyllis Dawn Willis was born to her parents Gertrude Mae Guthrie known as “Gertie” and John Telford Willis. She was the fifth of seven children. Phyllis met William Reed Willis after his return from the Army. Between them a love soon developed and they were married in March of 1950. Their first child Monty Reed was born followed by a second son, William MacRae. After a few years with two bald headed little boys, a girl Marla Rochelle was born with a headful of black hair. Again their lives would be blessed with the birth of another daughter, Mikal Kelly. Marianne Dawn was somewhat of a surprise when years later she was born. With two sons and three daughters their family was complete. In 1963, after years working as a fisherman, William Reed and Monty moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. Within a few months Phyllis had purchased a new car, packed the family’s belongings and a car load of youngerns then made the long trip west to join her husband and other family members already living in the area. Once there she attended cosmetology school and upon completion became a licensed cosmetologist which started the career that would last for the next twenty five years of her life. The lure of South westerly breezes and days on the water is hard to get out of a man literally born on the sea and a couple of years later the decision was made to return home. Back on the island she and William Reed bought a home and she used one of the back rooms to work in. That back room is what became known simply as Phyllis’ Beauty shop. At a time like this when reflecting back on the people in my life.....the connections & experiences that we shared.... Its amazing the flood of memories and emotions that surface. Id like to share just a little of what I came to know and love about Phyllis. The main reason I share these is for the benefit of those younger than I am that didnt ever really know the woman that I knew. So all the grand children and great grandchildren listen so that you may know your Mema just a little better. Like many here today, I did not doubt that she loved me. I knew it because she never failed to show it. Always in a very familiar fashion known to anyone that has ever heard of or known Telford Willis......She showed it! She didnt mind laying one on ya and I mean right on the lips... Most of the time shed grab ya right by the face and then pull ya right on in for a smell.Some here might not know what Im even talking let me explain what that means. She had no problem showing her love. When I went by the hospital last Wednesday it truly was a beautiful sight to be honest I was took back a little by what I was chaotic in that room with so many children in and out and friends of the family stopping to see if everything was okay....It was then that I just sat quite and tried to see past all focus was fixed on something that touched my heart. What I saw was one of her little boys and all three of her little girls....anxiously gathered around her, simply waiting..... knowing what must happen but, I strongly suspect still not wanting it to be just now......not just yet. It was clear in that room that day she taught her youngerns to love. Phyllis never mixed words....she didnt have any problem telling ya what she thought. Aunt Phil was very opinionated. She simply believed what she believed and if you didnt agree with her obviously YOU where wrong! She also didnt have one of those of filters that most of us have.....meaning if she thought it she said it.....I recall being just a little boy and her asking me if mama had cut my hair with a lawn mower? I now know what she meant to say was Corey bump the next time you need a hair cut, you come see aunt Phil which I did.....And the worst part was when she would dry shave the back of my neck.... that always hurt the worst..... It was in the beauty shop where She first taught me about telling people what they wanted to hear..... Now what I mean by that is this....she explained to me that once she developed a repore with her clients and learn their likes, you then could simply use phrases to describe or compliment any persons hair cut. For instance after she cut my hair she might say something like well, I know one thing, thats a surfer cut.....everybodys gonna know youre a surfer! Funny thing is the hair cut never was always the same. Her grandson Tate might of been in the chair right behind me getting the same hair cut and she would of told him that he had a purty little island boy hair cut. Phyllis was a multi-tasker. Before anybody knew what multitasking was, she was living it. I remember as a boy being to her house when it was just as busy as Grand central station. I can see everything now..... Of corse, youngerns running up and down stairs and all over the house, a beauty shop slam full of gossiping women in the back room and the front bed room had a make shift sewing & alterations area along with a five star restaurant making meals that seemed to always please everyone but Bubble (her husband). She was one that simply took charge. We all know that there are some that take the lets just wait and see approach which actually means (I hope someone else does whatever it is that needs to be done.) Not Phyllis! When she saw a need, she quickly assessed the situation, formulated a plan and made sure that all necessary things where done to solve, fix or relieve the problem. She was a doer. She was a leader! She was taught at an early age to serve and provide help for others.The needs & relief I mentioned that she felt so obligated to solve or remedy came from acts of charity she witnessed her mother perform for others time and time again when she was but a little girl. I heard this past week something that I had never heard before that I think is worth mentions here today. I was told that one night while heading home from choir practice she came upon a terrible accident....a little boy no more than five years old had been hit by a car not very far from where she lived. Seeing what had just happened she took charge and tended to the boy as best she could and then rushed him herself to Sea Level hospital. Yesterday, when I asked the man about the events just mentioned through tears he simply uttered she saved my life....she is my hero....Ill always love your aunt Phil On April 25th 2013....just a few days ago To me it was not surprising at fact I think it was quite fitting that the daughter of a fisherman and the wife of a fisherman drifted from this life to the next on an outgoing tide...... While the family, friends and loved ones will miss her greatly. There is much comfort in the fact that Phyllis was not only ready but also anxious to leave this mortal life. Most importantly, to her family she was a loving mother that gave generously of her wisdom, time and talents. However, her truly most important role was a valiant daughter of our Heavenly Father. She delighted in the knowledge that she would be able to spend eternity with God, our Father. She knew that families can be forever and the gospel has been restored to the earth in its fullness. It was the Apostle Paul that wrote and I believe could also be said of Phyllis Willis Willis..... For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day. I mentioned being at the hospital last Wednesday.... I dont remember the first smell (kiss) Phil got from me....but Ill always remember the last. When given the chance, I approached aunt Phil and gave her the kind of kiss that she would of given me....she wanted to tell me something the worst and it pained me as she struggled to say whatever it was she wanted to say. I saw so many emotions in her would be hard to describe...... Ill never know what it was that she wanted to say...but if it was anything thing like Ive heard from her over the last twenty years of my life it was probably the same thing she would tell any of you and its what Ill choose to hear whenever I think of her. What I heard was....Corey....Im the proudest of you. I love you the best. You make me the happiest! Im the gladdest I got to see you. Wont you please come see me again? Were about all there is left of our crowd.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:59:29 +0000

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