More years ago than Id like to admit to, I used to read - TopicsExpress


More years ago than Id like to admit to, I used to read Metaphysical books, many along the lines of the Seth Material. Most were inspired by Eastern wisdom because it resonated much better than conventional religion. Ancient masters and speakers made sense. While in the middle of an obscure set of 3 1950s books on UFOs, which I unfortunately later sold, written by a French researcher, the author relayed an incident that occurred during a psychic seance in New England, perhaps it was in New York. There was a time in the early 1900s when some people began looking for spiritual enlightenment through using channels. Ouija boards were also used. A mini age of inquiry. Since there was money to be made fakers sprang up all over the place and fleeced the unwary and gullible. All this made for good press. Apparently, during the channels delivery, a woman spirit came through and identified herself as the wife of the husband who was the captain of the brigantine Mary Celeste. In 1872, the ll-fated ship disappeared on a voyage and was later found drifting in the Atlantic with no crew on board and everything intact on the ship. It is still a mystery to this day as to what happened. The spirit wife briefly revealed through the channel what had happened. While in the middle of the ocean, the wife wanted to play the piano, which was in the ships hold. The piano was brought up and placed on the deck. The woman began playing the piano and she revealed that the music was reverberating on the ocean waves and amplifying in tone.The next thing the crew realized the surroundings changed and the waters somehow receded and the ship rested on the bottom of the ocean. The crew was surprised to look around and see ancient looking buildings and pyramids nearby but no people. They were dumbfounded. They all went over the side and let themselves down to explore their new surroundings. As they traveled a short distance examining the buildings, they felt the surroundings change and waters began flowing in and encompassing them and the ship and they were drowned before they could reach the ship. That was the end of the spirits information, and just a rather brief revelation in this book at that. I have always been enthralled by so-called, disappearances of people and ships and planes.Applying Sethian principals, I am of the opinion that the Mary Celeste sailed into a vibrational time coordinate point, Bermuda Triangle perhaps, whereby the notes struck on the piano became a key to access the past and thrust the ship and its crew back through a time warp to the period of Atlantis. All, time is simultaneous. This is somewhat similar to the movement of stones that were used to build the ancient pyramids by use of vibrations of sound, chords struck on a musical device. Atlantis had pyramids. This obscure reference lost in a rare UFO book I happened to come across has not been tied together with modern spiritual thought to solve the mystery of the Mary Celeste, and of course, who would believe it. ron
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:10:48 +0000

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