Mornin. Pills in. Coffee.. 49 degrees. Wet and cloudy. Brown and - TopicsExpress


Mornin. Pills in. Coffee.. 49 degrees. Wet and cloudy. Brown and yellow leaves float on the still water of the puddle at the end of the driveway. A high of 56 today. On and off drizzle. It smells like decay and dank, cold mud. Rich with promise of new growth next year. A low of 43 tonight .. Wet and drizzling. The lilacs are shedding leaves. But still hold on. Green is still the color of the day on the lawn and trees by in large. Tenuous,save the pines. Hold on .. It feels like yesterday.. Weather wise. Grey and slumbering. The quiet house warm and humming peacefully. Like last nights meal of cup of potato soup and a PBJ. Comforting. Early bed last night and crap movies and TV until 1:00am. A easy sleep until 3:45am.. Dozing off an on until the a touch of goodbye from Bets. The count down begins. Rocky sleeps and seems content to do just that. Fed, water and let out early. My routine will be much and the same today. Creaking knees and feet dictate the days travels. A lusting of warm weather and water, satisfied in the fat mans bath tub. Maybe warm clothes. Never did rally get dressed yesterday. Even going out to untangle Rocky up wasnt bad yesterday. My meager cup of coffee is done and a quart of sweet well water will be my companion for the day. Mountain cold. The crows call close now. Some chirping from the birds. No sounds from Ruby yet or the new rooster. Rudy will be there soon enough .. The rooster may have become coyote food. Ill have to ask. Happy Birthday Rhonda..
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:22:34 +0000

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