Morning Coffee: There are those who say I am a Christian, yet they - TopicsExpress


Morning Coffee: There are those who say I am a Christian, yet they do not pocess Christ they only profess to know about Christ. The devilish attacks on people that go on and on due to skin color is apauling to me. Its even sadder that there are those who simply do not care about their own kids enough to stop the lies, and realize the Devil is the culpret in all cases. Do you go to Church then go out and rob, steal, and act as a thug at night? Do you have biggotry in your heart, are you a racist, if so, your were taught to be that way, you were not born that way. A close friend of mine once told me as a black man his greatest threat was not me but his own, the oppresive nature of his own culture, we shared that Jesus Christ has no color when he looks into the heart of us all, other than one color, red, for if his blood does not cover the sinner he will end up in Hell. The spirit of a man has no color, yet it can be dead or alive to God, Ephesians 2:1-2. If your spirit is dead to God it is alive to Satan, 2 Timothy 2:26, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. But if a man is alive to God he is a new creation 2 Corinthians 5:17. We must be born again, do not lump all Christians into one bag, and throw us out with the bath water! Those who hold to sound doctrine, believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and that every knee shall bow before him, it is those who generally have a healthy view of God, his word, and his love for the lost. If you were called of God to minister the Word, then you had better do just that, shame on you for defiling your call, you are the useless sheperd in Jerimiah and there is a woe unto you from the Lord God, that you are scattering his flock! There is no place in the heart for hate, anger, jealousy, or vengence to mention a few. And of the Minister, or Pastor stand in your pulpit and remind the nation we are of one people, read the Genesis account, there will be no racism in Heaven as there, only the pure in heart may enter by the blood. 1 john 4:18 pure love casts out all fear.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:35:21 +0000

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