Morning Devotion Blessings and Good Morning: John 14 vs. 1-4 (vs. - TopicsExpress


Morning Devotion Blessings and Good Morning: John 14 vs. 1-4 (vs. 1): Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me. Jesus in speaking to His Disciples encouraged them to not allow their hearts to become troubled by the fact that he was to leave them. Leave them by being betrayed into the hands of evil men, by being denied by his own, and by being crucified on a cruel cross. All this information would trouble the very best of us, but Jesus said "Let not your heart be troubled..." He further encouraged the listener to stand on his or her belief in God and extend that belief to Him and everything about Him. Belief in God eases the troubled mind, belief in the supernatural power of God, the Divine Will of God and His purpose for our lives gives us the strength to overcome worrying, heartaches, pain, distress, disbelief, disgust, ridicule, and all the ambiguities of this life. Are there things that we will not understand? SURE. Are there situations and circumstances that will challenge our belief system? Definitely YES! But that does not negate the fact that believing in God and HIS DIVINE WILL can still every raging storm, defeat every power of darkness, and set the captive minds free. BELIEF IN GOD FREES OUR MINDS, SOULS AND BODIES from every captivating manipulating powers of this world. Let us Pray! Father, we thank you for your WORDS of encouragement to keep our belief in YOU and to keep our hearts from troubling about situations and circumstances that could overwhelm us. Thank you for the assurance that believing in YOU and keeping our belief constant in YOU can and will keep us through the best and worse times in our lives. Lord, we praise YOU today and we speak to our hearts and command them to be still, to rest in YOU, to be confident that YOU never lie and YOU cannot fail. We appreciate YOU today and ask that you will lead us through these dangerous paths, through the valley of the shadow of death and give us faith to overcome every test. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen & Amen!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 12:14:11 +0000

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