Morning Devotion Verse of the Day Wishing to Be Near God ] - TopicsExpress


Morning Devotion Verse of the Day Wishing to Be Near God ] [ A psalm of David when he was in the desert of Judah. ] God, you are my God. I search for you. I thirst for you like someone in a dry, empty land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 New Century Version Now, the psalmist is a poet, and has a poet’s sensitiveness to the external aspects of nature, and the imagination that delights in seeing in these the reflection of his own moods. So, very beautifully, he looks upon the dreary scene around, and sees in it symbols of the yet boring experience within. He observes the grey dullness of the waterless wilderness, where the earth is cracked with clefts that look like mouths gaping for the rain that does not come, and he recognizes the likeness of his own yearning spirit. He feels the pangs of bodily weariness and thirst, and these seem to him to be but feeble symbols of the deeper-seated pains of desire which touch his spirit. Everyone ultimately has a thirst for God. The unrest, the deep yearnings, the longings and desires of our natures--what are they all except cries for the living God, the twists which are many, seek out the great prop which alone is appropriate to lift us from the mud of this lower world? But the misery is that we do not know what we want, that we misinterpret the meaning of our desires, that we go to the wrong sources for our need; that when our souls are crying out for God we fling them worldly good and say, “There, satisfy yourselves on that!” Like a man that has a wild thing in a cage, and does not know what its food is, when he hears it yelping, will cast to it what he thinks may satisfy it, on which it eagerly springs, and then turns from it in disgust. So, we seek to feed our souls on the things of this world, and, all the while, what we are crying for is, not earth, but God.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 10:18:00 +0000

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