Morning Devotional Reading November 13, 2014 Every man’s life - TopicsExpress


Morning Devotional Reading November 13, 2014 Every man’s life will be examined by the great standard of character, the law of Jehovah. There will be a reckoning up of the blessings provided by God at infinite sacrifice to himself, in the death of his beloved Son; for all this sacrifice was made in order that man might possess the riches of his grace, the abundant righteousness of Christ. But if man has neglected the great salvation, if he has chosen his own way rather than God’s way, if the blessings purchased at such immense cost are unimproved, if the things of greatest value are regarded as of no consequence, terrible will be the loss, for it will be eternal. If God’s plans are set aside for the working out of plans laid by finite beings, if one regulates his conduct by principles opposed to those laid down by God, his destiny will be in accordance with the course he has taken. When death comes to us, nothing can be done to set right the errors of the past. Not a line of our record can be blotted out, not a sentence corrected. What is written, is written. If the one probation has been misused, if Jesus has been neglected, if darkness has been preferred to light, there stands the record: They did not choose the Lord; they would none of his counsel, and they despised his reproofs. No second probation will be granted; for if the first has not been improved, no better use would be made of a second. If the Spirit of God is received into the heart, it will mold the character into forms of beauty; it will give a loveliness of disposition that will identify the receiver with Jesus.~THE REVIEW AND HERALD.....January 13, 1891
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:53:48 +0000

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