Morning Everyone. I pray for something new everyday seems like. We - TopicsExpress


Morning Everyone. I pray for something new everyday seems like. We are needy people and always asking for things, well i am anyways. Though i have needs in my life, prayers unanswered that im still waiting on. My prayer is that he will bless those i love and let me be there to see it work in there life. It makes me happy and content for them, even if its not my time to have my prayer answered. Lord just bless them and ill be happy and know i could be next in line for an answer. Truth is Bible says "If you cant love your brother in whom you have seen, how can you love God whom you havent seen!!" If seeing those you lone and care about be blessed. if it dont make you happy just the same as it would as if it was you. If your prayers area all about you. Be careful abut confessing your love for God. Romans 12-10 says this "Be kindly affectioned one toward another with brotherly love; in honor "Preferring" one another" Prefer others before we do ourselves. Someone ask me one time if i had J.O.Y. Jesus (first) Others (second) You (third) No greater joy than doing something for your fellow man. Whether we like it or not Jesus died for the drunk, drug addict, homeless and even murderers, and ill go one further, the child molesters and rapists too. Thats just the way it is, He didnt die for the Christian people. You dont live your christian life outside of church for yourself or the church crowd, You do it that others may see your good works and glorify God! Well got get ready for work, get ready to sweat it out today(lol) It will be a good day though, In Jesus wonderful name, i claim it!! Hope you all have a great day today. May GOD Bless!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 09:01:29 +0000

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