Morning Family THANKFUL ! Matthew 26:42(NIV) He(God) went away a - TopicsExpress


Morning Family THANKFUL ! Matthew 26:42(NIV) He(God) went away a second time and prayed, My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may YOUR WILL BE DONE. Some of our Bibles have black and red print if you happen to have one those words printed in red are spoken by Jesus. Those were red letter prayers that revealed Gods human side. In this verse, Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, just hours away from His arrest and crucifixion. Jesus prayed, asking God if perhaps there was a different way to accomplish redemption. Jesus asked God three times in Matthew 26 if there was a different way. Family we may or may not believe that Jesus got overwhelmed at times, but He did it was during His darkest hours He got overwhelmed with trouble and sorrow. He had asked God for something that God would not provide. BUT Jesus being perfect and obedient, ended His prayers by asking GodYOUR WILL BE DONE. Regardless of how Jesus felt during those horrific times and what He was about to endure He submitted to what God had planned. When we face our DARKEST hours family and Lord knows there will be some if we ALL continue to live the question is will we follow Jesuss example ? Can we submit really to GODS WILL focusing on how much He really loves each of us even if it doesnt line up with what the way we think it should be ? Will you get mad, will you stop believing, or will continue to TRUST and know that God makes NO mistakes and that it is HIS WILL ? Have a great weekend and please dont leave God behind !
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:31:19 +0000

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