Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt Showing honor to the - TopicsExpress


Morning Inspiration with Pastor Merritt Showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel.” (I Peter 3:7, ESV) I want you husbands to notice this has nothing to do with the wifes performance. It is all about her position. It has nothing to do with what she does; it has everything to do with who she is. Military people understand this. How does a private treat a four-star general? With a salute and the utmost respect. The general may personally irritate him and aggravate him. He may not particularly care for how that general signs his name or wears his uniform, but he is the general and he always deserves to be honored as the general. Business people understand this. What do we say about the customer? The customer is always right. If you have ever dealt with any customers let me ask you a question, “Is the customer always right?” Absolutely not, but the customer is always the customer. Husbands, I am not saying that your wife is always right. Now, a piece of advice - when she is not right, don’t tell her. Your wife is always your wife. As the weaker vessel you are to put her on a pedestal and treat her with honor and respect. Let me tell you what that means in practical terms. Don’t ever be critical of your wife in public. If you want to tear your marriage apart tear your wife down in public, make fun of her, shame her, or be condescending toward her. Don’t do it! Don’t be critical of your wife in private. What I mean by that is you should never talk negatively about your wife when she is not around. My three sons would all tell you I have never uttered a negative word about their mother. I have told them repeatedly they ought to thank God every day for the mother she has been to them. I tell them all the time how much I love them, but I remind them ever so often I don’t love them like I love their mom. What Peter is saying is it is not our jobs to tear our wives down, but our job to build our wives up. It is not our job to bring our wives down to our level, but our job to always put them on a pedestal and keep them above our level. Share this with a friend. Give them the gift of God’s inspiration. #Jesus #Christian #Church #Faith
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 12:29:51 +0000

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