Morning Message. Lately I sense Ive driven you too hard, asked - TopicsExpress


Morning Message. Lately I sense Ive driven you too hard, asked you tooo many daily questions, expected way too much response from you and there could just be a certain tiredness that I spark within you know. The closest example I can think of is that once the local forums were teeming with activity, and then over time, one by one, each and everyone of them faded and most either totally disappeared or remained frozen in time. So, this morning Ill relieve you of any question. Instead, Ill ramble on posting, as I am wont to do, apparently for my own amusement and if nothing else, to fill the lonely hours a hermit has to fill till whenever or whatever. DANVILLE DETRACTORS The title is a term I did not come up with. A dear gentleman, like an online grandpa to me, Mr. (Nate?) Peters coined the phrase on the old Comercial-News infamous Guestbook some 10 years ago. Im hazy on his first name because I always addressed him as Mr. Peters, just as I did alllll my school teachers. I didnt know, nor even need to know that, say, Mr. Purkeys first name was Delbert since I personally never felt on a first-name basis with any teacher since they didnt want that and I felt it was disrespectful to their superior status. (Yet I know some kids referred to teachers by their first name.) Mr. Peters, in MO, I believe, complimented my postings defending our town, his hometown, too. Once when I declared I was done posting, he gave me the most special public online compliment I recall, that if I didnt restart HE would quit posting! You see, I used to get a lot of nastiness from an unknowable total of detractors. I called myself Oliver from Harvey St. so I didnt consider I was anonymous since any fool could find my 446 3097 number and house number and 1st name in the phone book. But they, chose to stay anonymous to hurl out their insults. I could never be sure if one person was using several different names to appear to be part of, say, an anti-Oliver group, but Im convinced that that happened to some extent. My detractors varied in intensity. From You have way too much time on your hands! which ultimately spawned a friendly rapport between the feuding Jack Benny and Fred Allan (I am Fred.) to the most ridiculous label, that I, get this, actually suffered from munchausen syndrome, a severe mental disorder. Im sure they misspelled it too. One example of one person wanting to be seen as more than one, was Buzz/Penn. Their little closely knit rapport, with postings following each other so conveniently, has me convinced there was only 1 pair of hands doing the typing. Poor Buzz/Penn,,they have no Oliver to kick around like in their golden days, and yet, here I am, more full of drivel as ever, as they dismissed all my words, he, Buzz, the self-proclaimed King of Terminal Politics on such lofty levels that the peons could knot be expected to understand. My, they droned on and on and on (You think MY posts are long?) about how the sky was falling,,,,,literally! (the clown) The most ridiculous topic on a few of the old forums was WHO Tommyhawk was. To me, T.H. was about as tough intellectually, and I use the word advisedly, as a wet noodle. T.H. went out of her way to use every ounce of her limited brainpower to be as outrageously rude/crude/vulgar/demonic as possible. I believe her followers simply were afraid to be put into her little minds cross-hairs. Oh, and of course, she was the most cowardly of the cowards in her anonymity. There was a long-running stale game (She had limited imagination, poor dear) where her little posts played around with just WHO she was. I dont know if she ever realized that she could be IDed, at least her IP address could. It shed done what the insane people on line do, such as announcing their intention to go out and give a few pigs wings that day (if thats the quote I recall from the subhuman who murdered two white policemen in their NY squad car) IF shed done that she ought to have known they could be knocking on her cardboard box door sooner or later. Who knows, maybe she is incarcerated now. Maybe 6 feet under? One might silently hope. Ah, the power of mere words. So much of them are indeed, much ado about nothing. Anyway, as Ive posted, Im happy here on Facebook, even sensing a decline in activity, along with the trends of all the old forums. I do a fair amount of responding if you didnt realize, but all in all I really should post less and respond more. I take most all the quizzes, even those only for females. I mean, all of us, everyone, has at least a little x in us, as a very wise black musician, a generation older than I, said in his own way some decades ago. Oh, Ive encountered at least two incredible untoward events, too. One was from a young fellow who ended up cursing me, even wanting to meet to fight, ostensibly (My, how fair that wouldve been!) Turns out he was a buddy of another young fellow that I actually knew on here, and my FBk friend said his young friend would always, as they say have his back. So, I was lumped into the same low-level basket as his friends, told to stop it equally with his dude, the thread deleted, and Ive never heard from my FBk friend since though he apparently did not unfriend me as I still see his name of my list. I never see any posts though, so I wonder if a person can block you and still remain on each others friend list. You know, I just happened to think of one more forum incident, probably the most ridiculous of all. Young fellow opened a new, destined-to-be short-lived, too and he ended up BANNING me! Id say banning Oliver is like whipping a little puppy for having a little accident! You just wonder sometimes about a persons mental stability when you sit here, and sometimes read between the lines. But the other FBk misadventure was simply over (unless theres more to the story than I know, about possible problems with me in some non-related way) my response to a video clip of a little deer or whatever being stuck in a grated fence and being rescued. I simply said that calling an expert instead of having your kid do the right thing and risk getting bitten or kicked by even a little animal afraid and in pain was what Id do. For that, the discussion escalated into my being called heartless, and eventually this medical technician (I believe) would pass me by the next time I fell off my bicycle and left as road kill. That is probably the worst comment Ive ever gotten by someone knot anonymous sitting behind a little keyboard and talking big. This 3rd and final FBl exchange I dont know the outcome of quite yet. I asked a certain person a question, truly innocent in nature, based on the fact she had just commented on the topic by responding to a young man who had just initiated the topic. There is still very much I do not understand about the general topic, and unless a question was intended in a biting, sarcastic way, I think we all should tolerate any question put forth. Anyway she quickly sent a person note to the effect of What the H$#@ was my problem with group? And that I was putting words into her mouth...Well, I responded by apologizing to her personally, and removed my public post but putting in place a public apology for any unintended ire it may have caused. This is all I could possibly do, and believe me, not every person my age would cow-tow to someone young enough to be a granddaughter. But, I really do knot seek controversy, but I can engage if I wish to. Anyway, for my gesture, she sent another message of OK, We just want our members to behave and be polite. So, thats the dressing down I got there. And shes close friends to the person who added me to the group, so, I could see a parallel happening in this just like Keith and his foul-mouthed friend I mentioned above. No, I dont plan to post at a place where I apologized, removed the truly innocent question, apologized publicly and was told by someone 40-some years younger to be polite and behave! Would you? If anyone wants to know my question, which Im still curious about, Id be happy to answer via message or publicly. Im knot hiding from much of anything. Only when the worse becomes so much more predominant than the better will I ever consider getting a divorce from FBk. Im an optimist, and a realist too. I fully realize that few eyes will see much of this long post, so I really dont expect anyone to be curious about my ire-provoking question even if those eyes made it here. Some may, but Id bet those eyes probably just skipped down to here to see my final words. I know I would if I saw one this long, but, on the other hand, if its personal stuff, and I seem to be the only one to do something like this, instead of some droning topic, such as about politics or how to knit a penis cover,,,Id choose THIS to waste time on rather than THAT, lol! o (Just think, instead of this you couldve faced my question of the day: Whens the last time you boiled an egg?)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:33:04 +0000

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