Morning Reminder. Sunday 2nd of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of - TopicsExpress


Morning Reminder. Sunday 2nd of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of Mercy, forgiveness and Freedom from fire. READ THROUGH PLEASE. DONT ACT LIKE HYPOCRITES DO AND SAY AAMIN WITHOUT EVEN READING THROUGH PLEASE. IT MAY BE LONG BUT VERY USEFUL THAN SITING FOR OVER ONE HOUR WATCHING FOOTBALL OR MOVIE LOL HMMMM. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Ramadan is a month whose beginning (First 10 days) is Mercy, whose middle (11th-20th) is Forgiveness and whose end(21-29/30) is freedom from the fire says the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in authentic narrations. Mercy then Forgiveness then Freedom from Fire. Allahu Akbar. Ponder on the inherent logical sequence SubhaanAllah! We cannot be exempt from fire without first being forgiven. And to be forgiven, we must be graced by Allahs mercy. Natural Mathematics isnt it? Alhamdulillah.The first one third of Ramadan ( First 10 days ) is MERCY from Allah. 1. Can we expect to receive mercy if we only deprive our bodies of food and drink? Of course not. Because Ramadan is meant for SPIRITUAL development through fasting. Physiologically, by fasting the body eliminates toxins efficiently and the mind becomes clear for power thinking so that one may ponder on the meaning of the Quran, Hadith and the necessity of Zhikr. One must also do some self-analysis to monitor and correct ones behavior if necessary. With meditation the mind becomes quiet and so should our tongues!2. Allah is looking for a sincere commitment from us and not just physical starvation till sunset and then returning to the status of disobedience. Ramadan does not end at every iftar. It ends only on sighting the hilal of Shawwal. So the hard spiritual work must carry on for the whole of the month.3. One must plead for mercy and sincerely cry to receive it because without it, we are stuck at stage one and our prospects of freedom from fire will be bleak.4. Therefore this stage one is for sincere confession to Allah that we are weak and sinful and that we desperately need His mercy. We have only about 10 days to qualify to stage two. Are we ready for this test? We can recite these dua seeking for Allah’s Mercy. ‘Rab-bigh-firlee war-hamnee wa Anta Khair-ur-Raahimeen. Meaning: My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy!. Ya Rabb, Allahumma arhamni Ya Arham-mar-Rahimeen. Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyumu Birahmatika astagheeth. For middle 10 days? Dont miss the afternoon reminder in shaa Allah. You can ask any questions please. May Allah accept our ibaadaat and forgive our mistakes and ignorance. Aamin.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:44:49 +0000

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