Morning Reminder. Thursday 28th of Shaabaan. Important Issues - TopicsExpress


Morning Reminder. Thursday 28th of Shaabaan. Important Issues Dealing with the Month of Ramadhaan. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. As muslims we must know that all the blessings for this noble month would never be achieved unless we understand its ruling from Allah Azzawajall and the Messenger (S) and implement its ruling as it was practised by the Messenger and the Righteous Salaf (Pious Predecessors). It is imperative on the general body of muslims to take special care in counting the days of the month of Shabaan in preparation for the month of Ramadhaan. This was the practise of the Messenger. This is of great importance because the Islamic Month consists of twenty-nine or thirty days. The month starts with the sighting of the crescent which indicates its beginning. If however it is so cloudy that the crescent cannot be seen, then the thirtieth day of Shabaan is completed and the new month (Ramadhaan) begins from the following day. Allaah has set up the moon for mankind as a means of keeping record of months and years. Based on this, therefore, the Islamic month does not exceed thirty days. This is also established in the Sunnah of the Messenger. Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger (S) said: Fast whenever it (the new crescent) is sighted and break the fast when it is seen. If it is hidden from you (due to cloudiness) then complete thirty days for Shabaan [Bukhaaree and Muslim] Abdullaah bin Umar said that the Messenger of Allaah (S) said: Do not fast until you see the crescent, and do not end (the month of) fasting until you see it. If it is covered from you (by clouds) then determine it (by counting thirty days) [Bukhaaree and Muslim]. From the above its important we dont Start mentioning any specific day to Start fasting but rather wait till Friday evening to try and sight the moon or complete 30 days Shaabaan on Saturday and start fasting on Sunday in shaa Allah. We ask Allah to unite this ummah from any satanic influences. Aamin.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:53:46 +0000

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