Morning Reminder. Wednesday. 25th day of Safar. How to perfect our - TopicsExpress


Morning Reminder. Wednesday. 25th day of Safar. How to perfect our Dua. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Dua can be beautified and perfected by certain actions: 1. Have Wudu, face Qibla, be neat and clean like going for Job Interview which by far is not as compared to speaking to Allah. 2. Raise both hands up to the shoulder with palms open facing up 3. Glorify Allah first and send salutations for the Prophet (SAW) at both the beginning and end of Dua. 4. Ask by Asmaa al-Husna- Allahs Beautiful attributes like yaa Hayyu, yaa Qayyuum, yaa Razzaaq, yaa Qafuur etc then add your request. 5. Ask Allah by your good deeds. 6. Be insistent-repeat (i.e. 3xs) 7. Use words of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) i.e. Duas found in Quran and Hadith. 8. Show humility, entreaty, desire and fear while making Dua 9. Repent and try to make amends where one has wronged Allah, more istiqfaar. Ex. Astaqfirullah. 10. Confess mistakes, shortcomings, and sins to Allah only during your Dua. 11. Speak silently to your own hearing but not in your heart but by lips movement 12. Show the need for Allahs help and implore Him for release from weakness, hardship and tribulation. 13. Seize the opportunity of time, situation and circumstance in which prayers are answered. 14. The Dua of Yunus AS, by which he invoked Allah from within the belly of the whale was: Laa ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka innee kuntu min aDH-DHaalimeen. No Muslim ever makes Dua with it but Allah answers it. [at tirmidhi in his sunan, ahmad and hakim reported it and hakim declared it authentic. 17. End with Alhamdulillahir rabbil aalameen. In the end there can be reasons why the Dua might not be answered such as earning haraam income like Riba based, fornicating, stealing, delaying our Salaat and Salaat through lack of knowledge etc. May Allah protect us all from these satanic influences.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:38:52 +0000

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