Morning September 13th, 2014 I once took a hike that I thought - TopicsExpress


Morning September 13th, 2014 I once took a hike that I thought would be a nice relaxing trek through the forest on the way to a creek. The plan was to enjoy some exercise but not to stress too much. Midway through the hike thunderstorms rolled in unexpectedly and what had begun as a peaceful journey through the pines became an arduous, dark search to find a safe place to wait out the storm. Lightning is a dangerous adversary especially when one is walking through a pine forest. Eventually I worked my way through the pine forest while the lightning and the storm worked its way across the trail I was on. When one is in a situation that can be perilous keeping a clear head and thinking decisively is required. That does not mean thinking should be hurried all the time. Although I was double-timing along the trail, I was confident in my ability to do what I needed to do to reach safety. Eventually I came to a trail shelter and stayed inside the shelter until the storm has passed. There were a lot of reasons why I made it to the trail shelter. I have knowledge built up from years of being in the woods and hiking. I had been in bad weather before and knew the key to my safety was to either find a low place and hunker down or keep moving until I found a low place or some other kind of protection. I knew that thunderstorms typically don’t last very long in Florida in the summer. I knew that God’s hand was on me as my prayer was for God to guide me and to help me do what I needed to do to escape the storm. The only thing I had no control over was the storm and the chance that lightning would find me. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Moses had died and Joshua was the person Moses chose to take his place with the Israelites. God told Joshua to take the people across the Jordan River. God promised the lands in front of them to their ancestors and now to the people Joshua was leading. God expected Joshua to have full confidence in what he was commanded to do. Moses has spent time training Joshua and honing his leadership ability. Joshua had learned to be confident and forthright in his decisions while under the tutelage of Moses. Now Joshua would move forward with his experience and obedience to God. When we take time to learn how to do a job or anything else we take on, we learn more than how to do a task. We take in the nuances of the task and those unteachable qualities that make a job done, a job well done. We learn to think in the moment which slows done the urgency in our hearts. When we can think within the context of a moment, the likelihood that we will complete a task successfully is more assured. And if we have the power of God within us the task becomes an offering, a blessing to God which will not only bless God, but bless the giver as well. “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17: 7-8 I don’t always do what I know I should do. Almost always there is a regret, a telling in the moment. When I remember to put my task before God, no matter how large or small the task, the outcome has a much greater chance of being done. There are those that say they do well without God, and I believe them. I only ask, how do you do when you aren’t sure of yourself? Proud people will answer they never lack confidence. I have a few years under my belt and there are few people that have not failed in something. I would much rather fail knowing God was with me than on my own. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 I might take the tools out, rough the wood with my hands and saws. If I allow God to hold my mind and guide my work, it turns out a lot better. Earlier this year with the help of friends, a wood floor was put in the main area of this house. Every piece of wood that was glued and hammered bore a tear of sorrow and a prayer of hope. I find life a lot better with God’s decisions even if I don’t always agree or understand. Jesus knows me, when I fail, when I sin, when I listen, when I bless Him. I think God is good and life is better with him. Papi
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:23:52 +0000

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