Morning Update-Day 131 (corrected number of days) Clif has - TopicsExpress


Morning Update-Day 131 (corrected number of days) Clif has asked me to put together a brief post because as he put it caught up in a whirlwind over here and cant do a post. He said he didnt get any sleep last night, that his mind was racing with thoughts. He said Amy and Stone didnt sleep either. Must have been a night of no sleep because we didnt sleep either. Much going on in the unseen it seems. This morning as Trey and I were doing our devotional we were reminded that we were to hang on to our promises that God gives us because they are irrevocable. We are living in a time where many are seeing just how spiritually dark the world has become and how in this darkness people cant see. It is human nature when you cant see around you that you become afraid. Usually when I find myself in situations like this, say for instance, when you are walking outside in the dark and your mind starts playing tricks on you with a perceived noise or presence of something-you tell yourself dont run-its just fear trying to make you believe something that isnt real. FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real. It is when we give in to fear that we run headlong into the darkness into the one thing we wanted to avoid. I have observed this time and time again in creation. Just the other day I was watching a hawk flying low over a field and from time to time it would let out a sound that was meant to fool a mouse into exposing itself by running, thereby giving the hawk opportunity to snatch it up. The only weapon the hawk used was a sound which said I see you where you are. I am going to get you! The Mouse didnt know that the hawk really couldnt see him because he was hidden. But once the mouse believed that his enemy was about to get him, he broke from his hiding place and ran, thereby exposing himself to the one thing he feared. We all know the rest of the story. So how does this apply to what I am trying to say? It is this. The scripture says that those who are hidden in Christ Jesus are also covered by the shadow of the Almighty. If I keep my thoughts along that line of thinking, then I want open myself up to becoming vulnerable to the devices of the enemy. Lets remind ourselves today that God does have a plan. Nothing going on in the world today has taken Him by surprise. Somehow in Gods infinite and mysterious wisdom, He is causing ALL THINGS to work towards His intended purposes. Nothing the enemy devises will yield what he is after. After all if he would have known in advance of what crucifying Christ on the cross was going to do, he never would have done it. He played right into Gods plan. Once again, what might appear bad on one hand is really part of Gods plan on the other hand. Today I will say Ok God. I know you have a plan. Help me stay in it and keep my mind focused on you and the part I am called to play in it. We all have a part. Today is the Day that The Lord hath made. REJOICE and be GLAD. LOOK AROUND. There are reasons to be GRATEFUL. Just start speaking them out loud and watch the darkness leave. PRAISE fuels the train! Roll on..
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:36:43 +0000

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