Morning Wisdom: Today is the 4th annual Existence Day (mortal - TopicsExpress


Morning Wisdom: Today is the 4th annual Existence Day (mortal children have Birth Days) of my beloved ball of piss and vinegar Darth Bane! I cant believe that this little dude has existed for 4 years! ...And apparently he cant either because when i showed him a picture of himself as a baby and asked him who it was he said, Daddy thats a badee! (Baby in english. Darth Bane has his own language. Rosetta Stone will be out soon so i suggest you all buy it and learn it because when we take over the world there WILL be a test.) I said, Yeah thats you when you were a baby! He goes, Thats not me Daddy, thats a badee. I replied, ...You know what? Whatever. I talked to him this morning to tell him happy Existence Day and he tells me, Daddy i cant talk right now! I watching cahtoons! (Cartoons in english...but i thought he said he had to put his clothes i will be purchasing the Rosetta Stone of his ancient Sith language as well.) I was like, Yoooou little s#it! But aye, hes mine...but i kept the receipt. I remember the day he was born the very first person who called me was somebody i never wouldve expected. I hadnt seen this dude or talked to him outside of facebook in years and like 30 minutes after Darth Bane was born, my brother from another mother Kent Kessinger calls me like, Hey Hot DAWG! Im in town man! We gotta meet up for lunch! I was like, KENT! Dude, I would but i literally JUST had a kid...Like 30 minutes ago! He was like, ...What?? So youre like a dad now?? Thats great man! The boy was only 30 minutes old and he already taught me that i go nowhere unless I clear it with him first.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:56:00 +0000

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