Morning all,,,,I now have worked out how the Government are - TopicsExpress


Morning all,,,,I now have worked out how the Government are getting unemployment figures down especially those of us on ESA who are medically deemed to ill to work. First they employ a French company called ATOS to assess people who are genuinely too ill to work and say they are fit to work, also the people who do these assessments have no formally medical training whatsoever, then they stop your money and either tell you misleading information or make you telephone numerous call centres waiting for ages to be told you cant have any money and have to reapply for benefit while your appeal goes through. Next the Department of Work and pensions screw up your appeal so things take longer and still you have no money to live on. In the meantime these people affected are getting further into debt unable to pay the rent shortfall on their homes due to the bedroom tax, buy food, gas and electric so these people become more and more depressed and either get to the point they feel they cant carry on living so end up taking their own lives or die from starvation or cold unable to pay for basic essentials like food, heating and a roof over their head. So homeless figures are going to increase and so will the suicide rate. I am disgusted by this so called Government those fat cats are going to be happy in their large homes this Christmas filling their bellies on rich food while there are families out there that can barely afford to feed themselves or their kids this Christmas. I am going to make a stand today for all those who are suffering through this Idiotic government and will be going to my local job centre today to demand something be done about this might get arrested in the process but I feel the ones that should be arrested are those in power and supposed to be running this country. RANT OVER
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:15:30 +0000

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