Morning all :) Lovely to see more new folk finding the page. - TopicsExpress


Morning all :) Lovely to see more new folk finding the page. Thank you and welcome to Laura, Helga, Angilique, Roohi, Sh Angel, Arben and the pages Balance Mind and Body with Auto Immune Diseases and Relationship Quotes. I had the pleasure of working with a lady and her dream yesterday on a FB page and I so LOVE it when a dream pinpoints exactly what is going on. What is even more exciting for me is when the Dreamer I am working with gets it, it being that magical ahhh haaa oohh my gosh that is so spot on, that comes, sometimes sooner rather than later with folk. Always a dream will show us the present situation we are in, the issues or guts of that situation and the solution/action we need to take or the resolution of it. In yesterdays dream scenario what occurred was validation that the inner self and outer world were now beautifully in alignment with what the dreamer was wanting to achieve in their life. That the energy of old conditioning/belief was now leaving. There is nothing more exciting for me than getting a dream - either my own or anothers to work with - dissecting it like a Dream Surgeon, pulling apart the pieces of the dream puzzle and creating a new picture that turns nonsense into total sense. I cant ever express in words the amazingly wonderful feeling that moves through me when folk can see that sense and exactly how the dreaming scenario is reflecting this so called waking reality, or they now know exactly what they need to do for them based on what we uncover in a dream. Its all a bit like the chicken and egg scenario - the inner reflects the outer and the outer reflects the inner and all the shifts we experience occur in the inner and then are reflected again in the outer. :) Which is why it truly doesnt matter whether a person remembers their sleeping dreams or not - daily scenarios can also be treated as a dream would be in order to see below the surface at what is REALLY going on in ourselves at the deepest level which is being reflected in our lives and during our interactions with others. I also had the pleasure of trying something new yesterday, always good for me to do this for it keeps my life exciting and interesting. Yesterdays something new was an archery lesson and I LOVED it :) My Robin Hood never really showed up BUT I had a wonderful instructor whose input I greatly appreciated as she sure did know her stuff and whilst I sucked at it at first by the end of it I was managing to hit my target where I was supposed to :) Enjoy your Sunday folks, Cheers, Cheryl.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 21:35:17 +0000

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