Morning beauties! Thanks Cathy for posting about your home - TopicsExpress


Morning beauties! Thanks Cathy for posting about your home office, I hope this helps! Day 16/30: Home Office / Computer Area… Most of us have one these days. If you are one of those slick people who just has a laptop and maybe a printer tucked away, I salute you. I am more of a desk-using, paper-loving stationary-addict. To give you a clue: my favourite Christmas present this year was an electronic pencil sharpener. I work from home and used to have the box room upstairs. This time last year I went on a mission to sort it out, and with some help from Pete (me and flatpack furniture. Friends? Not so much) I claimed our used-once-a-year dining room as my HQ. I love it and have been a hundred times more productive ever since. Here are my top tips for loving your workspace: Keep your desk totally clear. Mine just has my laptop on it. (Ill post a pic in a minute.) Every day / night when you’re finished, clear the desk. It used to take me so long to get started because I would procrastinate like a three-year-old at bedtime to avoid sitting amongst the clutter. Now I can’t wait to get in there with a cuppa and get started. Here’s an idea of what’s in my desk drawers. If you don’t have drawers, use jars, or box files or magazine files on shelves. And of course – cull the crap! It’s better to have three pens and love them all, than fifty biros from the pound shop that are slightly scratchy to use. If you have a gorgeous pen that you are saving or that is too special too use? I think you know what I’ll say about that. Ok so: Top Drawer – pens in a tray, scissors, stapler, business cards. 2nd Drawer – In Tray. Bills, letters, forms, whatever, goes in here until I have an hour free and then I deal with it all in one go. This drawer is the one that I clear the desk into when I’m done for the day. This has been a great system for me, rather than having my intray on my desk nagging me with tasks that aren’t a priority. 3rd Drawer – Notebooks, books I’m reading, Filofax. 4th Drawer – Paper for the printer, Ink, Envelopes 5th Drawer – Birthday cards, notecards etc. Above the desk I just have stuff I like looking at. I am lucky to have a bookcase and sideboard in here, otherwise I would have to be a bit more practical about how I use the shelves. If you can just pretend I didn’t mention the sideboard Id appreciate it, as it’s full of craft stuff that really needs sorting out. I’ll post how I organise bills and paperwork later this week. Lots of love, have a great day! xxxx
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:19:05 +0000

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