Morning devotional, Monday 7th july 2014 @ 06:00hrs (CAT) James - TopicsExpress


Morning devotional, Monday 7th july 2014 @ 06:00hrs (CAT) James 1:23-24 The Message (MSG) Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like. _______________________ What you constantly hear, see, smell, taste and touch is what you eventually become. Your senses are gates through which ideas and information is constantly passed on to and processed in your soul. Be wary today of what you expose yourself to, because you are becoming that very thing. The word of God shows us that if you hear the word and do not obey it, you are like a man who looks in the mirror, but you forget what you look like after a while. Remember this morning that entertaining wrong things has a way of making your soul very sour. Therefore do not entertain worldliness. Rather be a man or woman of the word by constantly beholding and becoming in accordance with scripture. I pray that this week, you will be christ-like in all things. Have a marvelous monday and a wonderful week. Good Morning! Here are some prayer points: 1. My God and my father, thank you for a brand new day. 2. Father in the name of Jesus, help me realize that my soul gets vexed every time i set my eyes on anything that is not your word. 3. I pray that i will be a manifestation of all that the word says i am in Jesus mighty name! 4. Lord today, i declare that i will expose myself to your word, until i see the manifestation of your grace in my life. I refuse worldliness in Jesus mighty Name. For all your prayer requests and counseling, inbox me and let me stand with you in prayer. Good morning! Love, Pastor Walu.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:50:40 +0000

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