Morning, going to be a beautiful day. Sun will shine, and things - TopicsExpress


Morning, going to be a beautiful day. Sun will shine, and things will get better. Everything ran smooth this a.m. Molly caught another rat this morning, she good when she not competing with another dog. She thinks she should be the only one doing the catching. Washing all dog blankets, rugs, and cleaning this house today, a Bigon job, sense he will be getting ready for the stuff that comes tomorrow. He will need to stay at home and do his cleanse. I feel for him. But we need to see what is going on. Thinking Charity s doing some better, have not talked to her, but she has not called either. Hoping it is just a glitch in her back. She can call Monday and talk to her doctors. I did have so much fun killing rats. Every time one of the dogs kill one I smiled. Still smiling, thinking about the pups, reacted to the baby mice. At first they just looked at them, then they started getting the idea real fast. Now to put everything back together, have to wait till I know all warn weather is past, then will break it down again, and replace everything, when I am out of chickens. Just seen one this a.m. And the one Molly caught. But I know that they are there, just got to figure where they will go now. More then likely back to the kool cells, when we get them together, they done there damage, so now I wait for clean out. I will do a bait change, so they go for it. These little critters are very smart. I know that sounds strange. But rat traps do not work, they will walk around them every time. I think I have only caught two or three in traps. But they have plenty to eat, and I really think the only thing that is killing them right is the liquid poison, I put out. But there day will come. Got the dogs feed, and will get everything line out for tomorrow. I will feed, then Pat, and Dee will have to take care of the rest. I want Charity to stay at home, and get better. Got to go, have a great Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:42:35 +0000

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