Morning lovelies ... Ok, Ive been meaning to write this for a few - TopicsExpress


Morning lovelies ... Ok, Ive been meaning to write this for a few weeks now but keep putting it off. But having had to remove comments and actually ban one person ( on a page like this seems ludicrous!) I feel I have to put a notice up! This page is my business page, Im a self-employed quilter with a quilting business, I am fully insured, registered, have an accountant, and accrue all the usual business expenses that are associated with running a business. This isnt my hobby, or a pastime or a journey! I spend valuable time and effort sourcing all that I need that I feel makes me a lil different to other businesses. I have never ever said that Im a teacher, or that I am happy to explain how I do things, or divulge where I buy things etc.. I have in the past been happy to privately (private message) offer advice where I can but ...... I cannot accept any more comments on customer pictures ( which most of mine are) asking how I do things, where I got such and such from, advertising another business, or being pretty rude by tagging a friend stating how said friend can do the same! There are some fantastic bloggers that show, tell, do everything you could possibly want to know, learn, see and this is their chosen avenue in the quilting world. ....... With four young children and a house to take care of I, at this moment in my life simply do not have time to effectively run a blog and provide this free! So .... I concentrate on my business! These pictures on this page and my designs remain my property and I sincerely dont feel it appropriate that anyone should disrespect this. I have had the copying, people taking my original ideas and using them, taking advantage of my advice and actually using my pictures to earmark something to be copied! Its disheartening, draining, and unnecessary .. I couldnt ever dream of behaving in this way on anothers page .. even completely unrelated to quilting.. I wouldnt ask an Artist for example where they buy their pastels/canvas/paints from and at what cost because Im a budding artist?? My way of giving back is through the fundraising either for Bliss or other good causes .... Which I do a lot of! So it isnt that Im a big nasty person that is just take take take ..... Im just one person, that does everything in the same 24 hours that is available to everyone else on this planet! So whether you agree, disagree or not ... It is my time, and my knowledge, my experience and my ideas that my customers are paying me for .... I have to protect that first and foremost. Imagine if youd bought a quilt from me for (for example) £200 believing it was a one off ..... then you happen to see on another page, or your friend points you to a replica of your quilt?? As a customer youd feel pretty cheated! There are no huge secrets to fabric buying, or quilting, or even sewing... Im not privy to things that arent readily available.. there is no secret club etc .. its all out there... you just need to want to know enough to go find it all. Monday Moan over.... coffee, then off to work all day!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:11:41 +0000

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