Morning lovelies! So, I just wanted to talk quickly (actually I - TopicsExpress


Morning lovelies! So, I just wanted to talk quickly (actually I dont know if this will be quick you guys know how I cant shut up sometimes haha) about a particular article people have been throwing all in the news feed going HAH! YOU PLANT EATERS ARE MURDERERS TOO! or something pretty close to that effect lol. So let me explain something. 8 months ago I was one of the worlds biggest Vegan/Vegetarian haters. I HATED them. God I cant even explain. I thought they were stupid, uneducated, weak, and basically disrupting the great circle of life for self gratification. I thought they were all self righteous and snooty.... Now that Im on the other side of the fence I can see how some of them actually get that way over time... I mean literally day after day Im confronted about my choice to no longer eat meat and avoid animal products to the best of my ability. And Im here wondering.... Im the one who made this choice, its mine and mine alone...why are people getting so upset and want to try to prove me wrong??? for deciding to do something that sits well with me and only affects my life? Normally when I get a chance to explain though most people who are close to me at least and know me well are like oh okay I get that. Which is great, Im glad some people get it, lol....but why so much aggressiveness every day when Im not even someone who is extremely vocal about it. Sure, every now and then Ill post up an anti-animal cruelty article but most people will do that as well so its nothing strange. I guess I just want to say this: I chose to no longer eat meat because I straight up disagree with the industry... I came to the conclusion entirely on my own. Nobody tried to show me or convince me, it was just you know...a natural development. What doesnt sit well with me is this: - Raising millions and millions of animals in an unnatural and straight up horrible environment (yes I understand there are some open farming lands but there really arent that many compared to factory farming practices), where they have an obviously downright shitty life, theyre pumped full of antibiotics, theyre stressed, theyre not healthy by any means (normally being in a factory farm means they sure arent getting exercise or any quality food) and they are created specifically to die. That part...that last part just is wrong to me. In my heart...there isnt a difference between a pet cat or dog or someones horse and a pig or cow or sheep or chicken. All animals have nervous systems, they all have emotions, thought processes and react to the world around them. Theyre all highly complex and have the capacity to have relationships and interact with us as human beings. The idea of basically subjecting such a complex creature to a life of misery and then killing it just because its going to taste good on a plate is pretty...just off to me. So... I choose not to be a part of that industry. One day I just could no longer separate the meat on my plate from the living creature it once was. And thats it. I function perfectly well on a plant based diet. I feel great, I dont look sick or like Im iron levels actually are more balanced now than they ever have been (I know curious huh?) and life is pretty peachy on this side of the fence, lol. Its just really funny that now Ive made that decision that so many people seem to get really aggressive when Im at a dinner or something and they realise Im not eating the steak option at a restaurant. Its not even like I say out loud that Im vegetarian, they just notice the lack of steak on my plate and start asking 1000 questions and telling me Im missing out and omg I dont know how you live like that!?...Its really easy actually and Ive learned to cook a whole lot better...but I guess I used to say those same things to my vegan friends too (dear god Im so sorry you guys I was a total asshole!), haha. I honestly feel that most people would agree with me on the factory farming practices if they had a good soul-search about it...especially if theyve actually seen or been in a slaughterhouse themselves, I think it would definitely bother a majority. Humans arent inherently violent, we dont like seeing living creatures suffer for the most part (some peeps are twisted though I guess, eep) Thats why sometimes I ask people to watch things like Earthlings, because it would explain very quickly what Im so objected to. I didnt watch it til a couple weeks ago myself but it certainly explains what I cant say in words...I mean its horrible...its a horrible horrible, disgusting movie but its all real footage and its unfortunately the reality of many millions of living creatures around the globe. Anyway, thats some of why I am the way I am and some of my personal feelings on the subject. Im not really comfortable talking about it too much unfortunately because of the negativity thats often received that I think is downright cray cray. Happy Friday lovelies and wishing everyone a wonderful weekend xx
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:52:10 +0000

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