Morning meditation and thoughts. Keep God first in your life, - TopicsExpress


Morning meditation and thoughts. Keep God first in your life, in all areas of your life and be the best He has provided for you to be. Keep your hopes and dreams in His realm of reality which is straight and narrow and not wide and broad. The reason he keeps us on the straight and narrow, is to keep us from the wicked, worldly, worries and weakness found in the broad way. Remember Gods plan for you does not include what the world has to offer but rather what He has ordained and promised you. I have a burden for young hearts, couples, married, dating , unmarried and those who need to know it is OK to be single and haopy until God sends you who and what He wants for you. Happiness THAT PLEASES GOD, IS NOT, THAT WHICH IS FOUND IN THE WORLD ANDROID FROM WORLD PEOPLE. For you that are saved, understand, happiness of the world is temporary just as your trials are if you are saved. Note, neither are permanent. Sometimes in life we focus on things and people who and what are appealing, maybe, because we have been hurt from another relationship or person, who you card deeply for. In hast, you latch on to something or someone that fills the void, but does not replace nor can replace what you really try to hide in your heart. Never forget God knows the secrets of the heart. He knows the restlessness of the soul and the troubles of the mind. That is why it is so important to pray without ceasing. Your happiness should never rely on any human being, including mom, dad, brother, sister, children, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. Your joy, happiness and peace of mind comes from the Lord. God is telling me, some are saying, that is beyond imagination...... and you are right. Man cant imagine it, but God gives to His children, who ask, seek, and knock on His door for your purpose to be revealed to you. Struggles in life come, and have such devastating effect on our life because of our lack of self esteem. Too often we allow others to manipulate us because we give up our independence and the power God has given us to take control of our lives. When Jesus lives in you, Listen to him. Study His word. Seek His wisdom. Serve Him and He will supply your needs. God sends, secures, and sanctions our relationship. When it is not what God wants It will not last no matter how hard you strive. Let me assure you today. Not every man and woman that has a marriage ceremony did God join together. I know, you are saying I cant believe a preacher would say that. What God joins together let no man put asunder. Satan has no control over what GOD joins together. If you, or someone you know, are battling each other in their relationship. Pray for them. Share Gods word with them. Be an example for them. Make sure they are safe. Dont allow emotional and physical abuse to consume them. Let your love for them break that yoke they are under, through communication , true friendship, true love, and prayerful advice. Hey look around. Somebody needs your prayers right now. Reach out to them. Let them know, with God all will be well. They cannot give up life because of a failed relationship. Getting rid of the drama is a step into the right direction. Men dont control women nor do women control men. When it Is right, God controls both.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:51:52 +0000

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