Morning to you, friends do you no that,God is Your Safe Place - TopicsExpress


Morning to you, friends do you no that,God is Your Safe Place ? Do you ever get that sinking, restless feeling that seems to weigh more than you do, or at least as much? Its like an alien parasite. It attaches itself to you, often without your awareness, and before you know it, youre wallowing under its weight, stumbling around as the life is sucked out of you.It is not a feeling that comes from God, but if you arent careful, the enemy can convince you otherwise. Prophetic people can be easily led astray by their emotions, because we have been trained to be sensitive to them. Obviously, this sensitivity isnt a bad thing, but we need to be very, very careful that we accept that which comes from God - and nothing more. Simple.God has a reason for your being here; you have a call on your life, a purpose for your existence. Knowing the details of this world, as well as your details and who you would be, God made you to do specific things in a specific time. This means that you are very important. This means that should you fail, He is very interested, to say the least, in getting you back on the right path again.With God at Your Back, You Cannot Fail In conclusion, therefore, as God is behind you, you cannot possibly fail when you are submitted to Him. But in spite of this knowledge, deep inside, if you dont guard your heart, you can still fall prey to the enemys whispers. You can easily be led to believe that you are either late to the station or have missed your Destiny Train entirely. The whispers in your head can reaffirm your failures: What are you doing here? You are not what God has called you to be. Youve blown it. You’re not working hard enough. You’re one of those Christians who doesnt really care about the deep things, and so you’re going to miss them. You know that feeling? a man who will stop at nothing to see justice done. Deep inside, you know you have something that God has called you to do. In your heart, you know that the Spirit of God once moved on you in strong, wonderful, unusual ways, but its been a long time since that happened. And you wonder what Jesus would say to you if He saw you today. Actually, you feel like you wouldnt have to wonder: He probably would be disappointed.But heres the catch in that — God isnt in the business of being disappointed. That assumption does not come from the Throne of Grace; it comes from the enemy. Stop taking it at face value, and learn to see the truth: God loves you, right now, just as you are.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:21:29 +0000

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